Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Click little magnifying glass icon at upper right corner, then select options and go from there. BTW it is from last 2-3 years threads as well as there is UMKC mega thread runs from years.

I heard they have 25 reserved seats at COM for UCF BSMD, but they seem to admit 35 students or more to the program. If they share how many are admitted, you can do the math of what % they expect to not make it.

They have a Honors College, guaranteed 4 years dorm housing, almost free ride for National Merit, good support for research and shadowing especially for bsmd students, so still worth a shot. plus, no snow.

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I believe the FAQ on their website says 350 interviewed, 115 accepted.

Son got a rejection email today for Temple Pre Med Health Scholars Program

I have been following WSB for a while… but gambling is not my forte.


Good to know! I expect to advance to NMF in a few days so the full ride is definitely something I’ve been considering (I do like snow though)

By “especially for bsmd students” do you mean you think that being in BMS would give me a substantial leg up in applying for shadowing and research versus the traditional premeds? That thought never occured to me but that would be nice if true

Did anyone get NJIT financial aid information ?

Looks like your applied very broadly. MIT to Drexel, that’s a huge difference. Anyone who can get into schools like MIT/Harvard/Stanford should really think about BSMD.

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@Mom22DDs Yes, Temple LKSOM/Temple Health Scholar and Temple LKSOM/W&J (near Pittsburgh) are two separate programs. Temple Health Scholar has LKSOM interview during junior year for Health Scholars. Do not know much about Temple/W&J. Pittsburgh is too far compared to Philadelphia.

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Yes we just received it. We end up paying 11K.

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@srk2017 It is not uncommon. One may choose BSMD over MIT/Stanford, depends on the individual.

I know, but still amazes me especially picking schools like Drexel over them.

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Drexel BSMD would probably assure a MD with a price tag of 500k or more. Not a bad deal if one is risk-averse with that kind of money.

I guess so for some.

With a UG GPA 3.85 and MCAT 514, one can apply to several medical schools via regular route MD. Why restrict to one medical school ? May be you can opt-out at UCF (BMS) and apply out.

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IMO, it is different at different medical schools, Ad com may look at complete packet of information including the interview reports and then vote.

You may call them but it may not be fruitful since Honors and PPHS are two different departments, IMO.

We also received it. Net Price says about 8k.

What are considered like the top 5 BS/MD programs, or like y’all’s top 5?

With Top HPME and WASHU not available. Any BS MD program is good. If you have multiple BS MD offers or Ivy admissions then ranking does help , experts can rank or tier them below are the good ones not in any order:







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