Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I got an interview


Neither, OOS ORM

Yes, we were forwarded from NJIt to NJMS and have an interview set up.


I would recommend you rather go traditional route unless the BS/DO option is with some well known name like Michigan State AND they guarantee you instate fee in the med school portion of the program.

Reason, some of the BS/DO programs seem to have big attrition (NYIT for example) and they are as expensive as the BS/MDs. Push comes to shove you can always explore the DO option after the undergrad, right?



For my kid:
after that, about equal preference is REMS, GW, Drexel, Hofstra (BU if they send out)

Hofstra sent out interview invites?

Yeah I really like PPSP and GPPA (which is just Illinois residents) I like PLME but frankly I think my chances are too slim and I didn’t do BU cause I didn’t want an accelerated program. Also I felt like REMS was really small seeing as they usually only accept like 15 students, I want a program that’s a bit bigger to be frank. I really only applied to my top 3 cause BS/MD is great but I want it to be a program I like and would be happy at.


Thanks! It is LECOM or NOVA Southeastern but our thought process is to join the BS/DO as a backup if MD does not work out. It at least guarantees (somewhat) a career as a physician compared to a traditional route that is too risky.

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@dancer2021 Can you please share when (what date) u got the Update Interview from Syracuse for March 8th?

Hofstra interviews invites are not out yet. I guess they are due in 2nd week of Feb.

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how exactly is the process risky? You do understand the majority of people going to med school is not in a direct med program :confused:

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Yeah sure whatever suits you, especially if you get decent package for the undergrad. Both are relatively better known names among DO schools. One of C’s classmates did choose to go to Nova for their 8 year program few years ago (C of a pediatrician) , not sure what the experience has been, out of touch.

You may want to check with @NoviceDad about LECOM either privately or here, but have been reading not so flattering comments about it.


Hofstra had sent out supplementals. I see it as still a possibility for my kiddo until we are told

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Because we only hear the happy story. There are many more pre-med/Biology majors that did not end up becoming a physician. Med school acceptance rate is around 40% so the rest of the applicants did not get in.

There are plenty of intended pre meds that end up not becoming a physician, sure, but that is why it is important to have back up plan. Perhaps pick a major that allows you to study science but does not limit you with career options. Just because the med school acceptance rate is around 40% ( which is not entirely bad considering it is professional school for someone to be trained in dealing with humans and lives) does not make the regular process risky. Every field/ career path has its own risk. Let’s not look at the traditional path negatively. BSMD programs are significantly more competitive.

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December 24th

allow me add a finance term too, FOMO.

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Well let’s not get into a whole diversion yet again, but at a high level the 40% figure doesn’t reflect the true story. These are the numbers from any given cycle of the traditional route, which means multiple batches of graduating classes competing (unlike BS/MD). So to get the success rates of any given batch, roughly, you have to divide the number by a factor. Secondly the odds are stacked up against those with ORM backgrounds, typically requiring higher bars in all respects compared to what are published. This may be one of the reasons the BS/MDs got so competitive since many students and parents see a fair value in this route compared to traditional route. I have discussed in detail the comparisons between both earlier in the thread and not going over again.

lot of discussion in our household, would you select top 20 ug and go that route to become doctor, or select bsmd. lot of the bsmd programs are not “reputed” and some of the kids are more name conscious. what do you guys think of this?

Depends. There have been students here who gave up their undergrad admissions not merely at top whatevers but Stanford, MIT, Yale etc. to choose BS/MDs because they knew that’s what they want to become, physicians. Not that they were incapable of going traditional route and achieving the same, or they were risk averse or they were scared of MCAT or whatever propaganda routinely gets spread here. There are yet some other who chose to go traditional route over BS/MDs Depends on one’s own personal or family situation, outlook, preferences or taste if I can say that.

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