Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Okay not sure if anyone knows the answer to this but speculation is fine. So case western a while ago told me to fix my CSS profile, do y’all think the fact that they asked me to fix my financial aid documents mean I made it into the general college, not necessarily PPSP, or no? I may just be getting my hopes up and looking for confirmation on my desired outcome :sweat_smile:

Just to clarify, when PPSP says they release decisions tomorrow, they only mean interview decisions, not actual acceptances to the program, right?

Yeah I’m imagining based on the past it’s just interview updates and rejections

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Yeah I suppose. It’s just that when they say “admission status” it really gets my hopes up. :frowning:

Yeah interview updates

I know right I got really excited then back tracked :sweat_smile:

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Even we received that information a month ago. I don’t think that the case. I assume usually they make a decision first on undergrad and then move with PPSP. Anyways, PPSP is a tough program to get in so better not to keep too many hopes unless you were invited for an interview to all other popular bs/md programs.

Of course interview updates for PPSP and admission to regular undergrad.

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Yeah tbh not expecting much. I didn’t apply to many BS/MD, just two, and I got one interview so far. Honestly though I’m not expecting a lot, I like to stay pragmatic but figure I glimmer of hope couldn’t hurt :sweat_smile:

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Unless Rice releases today, this’ll be my first update for a BSMD

Totally agree with you.

I told my S that the same. PPSP program is very competitive one. So, no regret even my S not make it.

Good Luck to all kids and parents who all are waiting for tomorrow’s.

Just out of curiosity anyone know the acceptance rate for PPSP, I know it’s quite low like 5% or something right?

will we be getting undergrad decisions for case tmrw as well or j ppsp interview?

I think both.

Our discussion is a lot like that. I think getting into his REA school changed his mind a bit. He doesn’t want to just go to a BSMD school and “settle.” I say settle as in he doesn’t want to attend a school for that simply because they actually accept him. He wants to find the best fit and something he feels like is going to be his new “home.” And quite frankly some of the discussion is about rank and prestige, he is swayed by it. He worked really hard these last years and going to a “good” school was always his goal. He, and his parents, have to determine how that definition of good best fits him.

So my kiddo shotgunned the Ivies minus Cornell and Princeton. I know the attitude of shotgunning here but I will say that if Ivy day sees him with an acceptance, it is going to be a very serious plus delta conversation in our house lol!!!

Oh really! I didn’t know that for sure but makes sense

It does not mean anything. My daughter received similar email a month ago.

Rice is like a mystery. No word. It is dead silence!

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They say late January…

Haha well times running out for em then