Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Yeah same ball park figures as for other programs in that league.

D got rejection email for Rice Baylor just now.

straight up gonna go sob for an hour now

Also rejected from Rice Baylor

Same here. When will we know about undergrad acceptance/rejection decision?

Same as regular, I think April 1st

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didnā€™t get any email from riceā€¦ were all rejections sent out at the same time?

Oh no! Its Riceā€™s loss!!


I bet rejections are rolling as we have not received one yet. Hahahahahaha. With only 6 seats and 2000+ applications, the chances were slim anyway!

Can someone message me the RB rejection email?

Did your portal change at all?

yup 2500 applications- 6 spots, 3 for TX, 3 for OOS

Still nothing :confused: Anyone know why?

Wow I did not even know that 3 were just for TX. With the amount of essays they had, it might have been more efficient for D not to apply. Oh well.

        The Baylor College of Medicine Admissions Committee has just completed a careful evaluation of your application for the Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program. We regret to inform you that you were not selected to interview for the program.
         This year, more than 1,600 students applied to the program. Only 25 students advanced to the interview stage to contend for a handful of slots. The Committeeā€™s decision is not a negative reflection on your ability; rather, it is the result of a large number of outstanding candidates vying for a small number of spaces.
         We appreciate the time and effort you put into your essays and look forward to the possibility of receiving your application to The Baylor College of Medicine as you complete your undergraduate career.
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Just be patient, it may be alphabetical or rolling somehow.

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Wow 25 interviews and 1,000+ apps. This must have one of the lowest acceptance rates of all programs

Well I donā€™t even feel bad anymore, just disappointed in the system. Someone I know got in last year from my Dā€™s school. And he was the biggest cheat and his mom did all the research work for him since she is a researcher!

Wowā€¦ life sometimes do be unfair. At least its comforting to know that at the end of the day itā€™s our internal values that matter more - not a few college acceptances :slight_smile:


The email is from the Baylor COM so does that mean the UG decision is still pending?