Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Everyone is so qualified, at this point its just random


Yes. UG results come out in April.

Agree that acceptance number is what matters. They did not mention it, but I am guessing around 30 or so for PPSP, as not many folks will pass it up.

If selected for interview, one has 50/50 chance for most of the programs.

I stopped worrying about that kind of fraud. My entire school is like that and those kids are all in Harvard. As soon they get into 9th grade, they start Science Fair projects (created by parent and memorized by the student) and one non-profit founder. I don’t know how they suddenly start thinking about helping the poor, humanity etc., I know at least 5 -10 kids from our school personally. When you look at their other stats they are just an average kid. I wish colleges realize this soon.

It depends, Case Western and URochester had additional forms to fill out IIRC.

Just got official Rice/Baylor rejection email. Says they had 1,600 applications

Most private T20 acceptance rates are artificially inflated by students who are recruited athletes, legacies, or major donors. Some schools (Northwestern and Duke off of the top of my head) also give a specific preference to ED applicants.

Yes undergrads at Ivy are know for this

know a athlete who did premed at Harvard had a tough time getting in lower ranked med school

Going to Harvard can one guarantee that you can make to Baylor or Pitt Med ??

Congratulations! When were you notified? My daughter is waiting!

I don’t know why my email isn’t receiving certain emails.
I didn’t get a rejection from Baylor
 but I got an email from Rice saying that “not receiving an interview” doesn’t have anything to do with UG acceptance.

Pretty sure thats an L :upside_down_face:

Same!!! I’m not getting any emails. I didn’t get that email from rice tho so idk what to expect

@9the0girl7 , @BrwnBoy0302 - Some emails go directly to spam. May be, check that folder regularly.

Hi everyone, How many BDMD interview each one have ended up now? Is there any possibility that some one can get accepted with just one interview in hand. Thank You!

I meant bsmd

Of course, yes, all you need is ONE acceptance. Try your best and GL.

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Thank you for your nice words! it brings in some hope. This whole week was all about rejection emails

One may increase the probability by having a high GPA (> 3.9) and MCAT (> 520) as per AAMC data. Nothing is guaranteed though.

Yes of course! Prepare hard, research the school and show your passion to them and you have a very good chance of acceptance!

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Risk-averse is also a Finance term, not well understood.