Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

2900 or something applied. 70 interviews. 12-20 seats.

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Why do they ask for additional extracurriculars and achievements in the form to still be considered for RD undergrad? Iā€™ve already given them all my infoā€¦not like Iā€™ve won a nobel prize since submitting my application lol. Can I just leave it blank?


im leaving it blankā€¦i think my stats and essays are perfectly fine for regular admission

If your really want to go to CWRU medical school, apply via regular route MD. A high UG GPA (> 2.9) and high MCAT (> 95%) may help.

Are you doing the essay?

nope they can read my ppsp essay if thats what they really want i dont feel like giving them any more of my time lol



Rejected PPSP. This one kinda hurt as he really really loved Case.

Current status:
Interviews pending: GW, REMS, Drexel
Waiting: BU, PLME, Hofstra, FAU
Rejected: Pitt, Penn, Temple, Case, NJIT
Interview offered but turned down: VCU

good luck on the ones remaining!

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I didnā€™t get it :frowning: . This is very disappointing, no interviews so far. Had high hopes for UIC GPPA and Case Western PPSP and BU SMED. Looks like my BS/MD journey has finally ended. Probably looking at international opportunities for medicine now :sob:

is BU over? I havenā€™t received a call yet so itā€™s not looking very goodā€¦

Iā€™m sorry to hear that, donā€™t give up though, medical school admission is still a while away.

All you need is ONE acceptance for BSMD. GL with all pending interviews with REMS,GW and Drexel. Besides Stanford is always there for UG.

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No confidence anymoreā€¦ Not one school thinks I have the potential to be a doctor.


No, BSMD only represents 5% of the all medical school seats in USA. Apply via regular route after doing well in UG. You can become a Doctor.

PPofEngrDR, have read your previous posts of your son being extremely competitive valedictorian with 4.0 and not even receiving an interview at UIC GPPA. How have you coped with this extreme disappointment.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s true. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll make an amazing doctor! Definitely donā€™t lose hope

Its so tough when these programs are pretty much rejecting over 90 percent of applicants :sob: :sob: :skull:

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As expected, CWRU rejection.