Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Anyone know any recent information as to when FAU will be sending out interview invites?

Their website says Feb 1 - 8

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His EC’s are probably average for this group.
SAT 1550
Subject - Math 800, Bio 780

Robotics - world championship twice
Eagle Scot
Currently working as EMT

No, they are not average, outstanding, surprised why he wasn’t picked up by REMS, at least now we know CW went through apps, not randomly selected for interview. How did he get into EMT?

I think process is very subjective. Rems rejection was hurtful but worse for us was Bonaventure. He was rejected by Bonaventure but another kid from his grade with way lower stats was picked up.

He has been involved in emergency medicine for last 4 years. Became CFR 3 years ago and them EMT.

Did you mean Stony brook Honors essay ?
I thought the 2 essays due today are BSMD essay and Honors essay ? Is there a scholarship essay due today?

Sorry, I meant the Honors essay. I used the word scholarship in error.

aren’t they due tomorrow? 2/1 at 11:59pm?

Very interesting how these kids are getting qualified for all these before they turn 18? You are qualified only 6 months before 18 in CA

So which one is 250 and which one is 650 ? Scholars for medicene is 650 right ?

other way around. medicine is 250, honors is 650

nope. other way round. - Honors is 250 and medicine is 650.

Honors, WISE, and Univeristy Scholars:

  • Upload to your Stony Brook Applicant Portal one brief statement on “Why you believe you will be a good fit for your preferred honors program." Applicant should keep their statement to approximately 250 words.

Scholars for Medicine & Scholars for Dental Medicine Applicants:

  • Additional essay required, up to 650 words, on “What aspects about medicine/dental medicine intrigue you? Describe how these aspects influence your life.”

I think it is very expensive for OOS. Says 43K for year 1, 54k for year 2, and 67k for years 3-6. Almost 300,000 at the end of all 6 years if you are OOS. Not including Room and Board and supplies.


oh shoot, thx for clarifying

do you know if it’s due tmr at 11:59 or today at midnight?

@TensedMom , where did you find this? We do not see this anywhere.

Our adcom said about 500 words so D wrote 500.

EMT regulations are different in each state. Ask @Geek13 his state of residence. A shadowing of any number of physicians may be even better( ~100-200 hrs), IMO.

They did not specify word limit for Honors college in earlier instructions. Just said a “brief statement”. At that time I suggested a 250 +/- words are enough for honors statement, because its not an essay as such.

As too many folks reached out to them regarding the same, recently SBU updated those instructions on main admissions page while also extending the deadline to Feb 1st.

Please see the details under ESSAY AND SUPPLEMENTAL DOCUMENTS on this page.

Thank you so much for the update!