Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

yes, about 11k

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Even we didn’t get anything yet.

DD received ~12K in late November, just couple of weeks after applying. We did not consider the honors college in Jupiter. But they also send admission and same scholarship for that also, a bit later in December I believe.

12K scholarship basically brings the tuition down to in-state for non-NMF applicants.

OK The only thing we received sometime in December that if she becomes NMF, she will get full ride but they didn’t offer anything yet. For all NMSF , they probably wait till Finalist results to come.

Could be it

T+F for FAU for 2021-22 are:
instate- 5.5K
OOS - 19.5K

@love4bsmd , what you gave is for FL residents. Scroll down a bit, it’s $31,978.

Congratulations and good luck to your St. Bonaventure interview

We received 14K+ in Dec

I pay attention to T+ Fee only as other factors (R+B, Books etc
) are pretty much same +/- everywhere you attend :slight_smile:

So those numbers I quoted are Tuition + Fee only. Those are the numbers I pay attention to when comparing.

did you mean to respond to me?

Has anyone had NJMS Interview? If so, how was it? S’s friend who interviewed for the NJMS program a few years back told D that the interview was absolutely brutal and they were completely ruthless. Was it casual and conversational or was it a highly stressful interview? Thank you.

How do i prep for these types of scenarios?

Not sure! If you look at the very old thread like 2012 etc, it was like that but recently didn’t hear that. I heard from some one it was casual conversation but went for about 1.5 hours just few weeks ago in this thread, don’t remember who was that.

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For my D, NJMS interview was very conversational and nothing sort of what your S’s friend described.


Okay thank you all. S’s friend said he had some very rude interviewer who made snide comments and it put D over the edge. :joy:

im trying to sign up for njms interview but on the calendar, it says “We do not have a record of your interview invitation”

anyone else have this issue?

We had this issue initially and then contacted them via email. They fixed it in 1-2 days. Contact them.

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this might be stupid question, but can you guys help with financial aid. do i need to submit the form to be considered for it, or school automatically assigns it based on my info.

I think for any need-based you need FAFSA but not for Merit based scholarships. I may be wrong but we submitted FAFSA and CSS to most of the colleges.

Yes it used to be like that perhaps as recently as last year. There was this one notorious person, director of the program or something who would give tough time, not sure if by design or for everyone or randomly. Hopefully he either retired or they replaced him with someone or he quit or something. Looks like so far interviews have been pleasant this cycle.