Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

here, quora, and deciding on final consulting team

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Is Rutgers/RWJ 4+4 still a program?

yup, it was through an email

I am surprised. I remember you were selected for Penn State if I am not wrong and TCNJ rejected?

My DD was also selected for Penn interview and got a rejection from TCNJ that basically said - based on our experience of candidates, we donā€™t think youā€™ll be offered an NJMS interview even if we forward you. They may be onto something, cos DD hasnā€™t been invited to interview with NJMS yet.

Their exact words:
given [ā€¦] our long term experience with the criteria used by the Rutgers-NJ Medical School 7 year admissions committee to offer the second, required interview, I regret to inform you that we will not submit your file to NJMS.

If your Dā€™s application was forwarded through at least school you should be good. I heard there is still time for NJMS.

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Yes it is, and NO MCAT program, but only people who get invited to apply is who received their Presidential Scholarship. It usually comes like end of February as it did I think last year.

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Ah ok thank you. How hard is it to get the presidential scholarship?

:crossed_fingers: My older DD goes there, so there was a lot of anticipation that the younger one could go there too, but we were the first to be forwarded and doubt weā€™ll be in the last batch to be invited. Weā€™ll see.

I know it works out better if both are at the same place. Wish you good luck!

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i was rejected by Penn State, but i have gotten some other supplements, interviews, and acceptances smh

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For Rutgers / RWJ - New Bruswick
Eligibility for the 4+4 Program for last year, I am not sure if is still on this year as only mention 2020.

  • Students who applied to Rutgers and were invited to be Honors College students through SAS or SEBS, planning to start in the fall of 2020.
  • In-state Presidential scholars
  • By invitation letter
  • Residency: Currently this opportunity is open to New Jersey scholars who are US citizens or permanent residents of the US with a permanent alien registration card in their possession prior to matriculation into the MD program.


When I try to log into pitt gap portal it says ā€œinvalid login credentials.ā€ I know decisions arenā€™t out until the 15th but Iā€™m thinking this is a bad sign since you would need access to the portal for interview info. Any idea?

Yes, itā€™s a gmail address.

Sureā€¦Will let you know.

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Has anyone interviewed with W&J and heard back from Temple for BSMD interview with the medical school?

Well personally know someone who was a BU SMED and the younger sibling loving to go there, with even stronger credentials and confident of making it, but not even getting an interview. Ended up joining REMS.

Nothing can be predicted.

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Iā€™m sure they are aware that the sibling is already enrolled in the program. Maybe they donā€™t give it favorable or unfavorable consideration, or maybe they donā€™t want siblings admitted to the same program, especially if they are OOS. Donā€™t know.

With BU, seems there is one or two summers of study involved. Can anymore elaborate? Does it add to total cost?