Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

My son had Suny Update interview today. They told him that selected students will be informed in next 3 weeks and after that they will have 2 weeks to commit. I know several members of this group have already rec’d acceptance from Suny Upstate. I wanted to check if selected students had only 2 weeks to make decisions. Considering other schools won’t be giving decisions till March end, it is little hard to commit. I will appreciate any feedback.

Kind of confused, are you talking about USF or UF here? Or both? I heard good things about UF and don’t know enough about USF and don’t think it is the flagship state university (may be you are alluding to UF?) Have heard great things about Penn State but can’t comment on the accessibility to medical facilities aspect.

It is not uncommon to give a two week period to commit. Please read the contract carefully and understand what are you agreeing to. Can you apply out without loosing Upstate medical school seat ?

At this point, we don’t know if my son will be selected but his case western interview is on March 21st, so it is bit to commit without knowing the other results. Not sure what other students end up doing.

Every one will face the same issue. One should carefully assess whether to take a risk and wait for other outcomes or take the bird in hand option. It may depend upon your risk tolerance.

He has been accepted to USF Honors college with good scholarship and Penn State (in-state).

Hello Geek13, I was also a finalist for PPSP at case western; however, I have not received official word about the date of the interview. Where did you find the date for your son’s interview? Thanks!

I didn’t understand. why do you have to commit now?

Try the US MD or DO router before thinking about International medical degree.

You have following paths to a medical degree in US:

  • BS/MD or BS/DO
  • Early assurance programs
  • Traditional undergrad to medical school

The path to residency for international graduate is very difficult.
Choose it only as an option of last resort.


@Shanmuga20 - You should look at the pre-health or pre-med advising services available for undergrads in both of these colleges - USF and PSU. call these colleges or send emails to ask specific details on what services are provided by each to the pre-med students

IMO, I would choose PSU over USF especially since you are from PA. PSU would be in state for you and University Park location would be drivable to meet your S and stay in touch.

Also, based on our experience, getting research opportunities is easy if students reach out and ask professors. There is also a health care volunteering club.

Even if you were not instate for PSU, I would have still recommended PSU over USF.

@Shanmuga20 - I agree with @rk2017. USF is not the flagship university in Florida. As far as I know - University of Florida & Florida State University are better public universities in FL

Did your son get a full ride to USF Honors college? Then, it would make sense to choose that and save for son’s med school…

He did not get full ride but enough to cover his tuition so cost will be the same for both Penn State and USF.

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Thanks, all valid points. Good to know they have a health care volunteer club but where do they volunteer? Are there many hospitals in the University Park area? How easy is it find volunteer positions?
I understand USF has a large hospital on/near campus and few other hospitals near the campus.

Just now checked Penn portal and happy to inform that I got selected to PMM program.


Congrats. Our DD did as well. We are fully committed and was wondering if anyone was interested in starting a facebook group or chat for students that are decided on this program



We’re beyond relieved!! DD wants to hear back from a couple other programs before committing. She is likely withdrawing from some programs. Will share details after admission cycle is done.


@Vicky2019 : Thank you, this is so helpful. Where do UConn, FAU, Hofstra & Upstate fit into this list?

This is very helpful information @rk2017 , thank you! Would you have more information on how students with lot of AP credits can do research for part of their bachelors?

S got into Penn State PMM. Congratulations to all who got in!


Same with S too. I think he really wants to commit. Congratulations!