Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Do you know anyone received acceptance?

Good point i.e. those dropped out during UG part of BSMD are not included in this calculation.

Nope, which is kind of strange, since one would expect at least a few members of CC would have been accepted.

For every other school so far, CC members posting rejections have always been accompanied by some CC members posting acceptances.

That is what I understood from their website. And wanted to check and make sure we understand - it is not clearly written anywhere. But it looks like they do lock the kids.

For NJIT-NJMS, students can graduate in 3 years, or even 2 years and get their BS degree. However, if they want to apply out, they will forfeit the MD seat at NJMS.

For PMM also, even if they finish early, I assume they will forfeit their MD seat if they apply out. Does anyone know for sure?

@Vicky2019 - would you know or might your DS be able to find out?

Which of the following belong to the weasel family:

  1. ferret
  2. mink
  3. otter
  4. school administrators
  5. all of the above
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Just wondering did you hear from BU on rejection?

Thank you @elgordito

Yes, that is the overarching policy of all accelerated (7 year) programs. If you want to opt out or apply out, you need to inform the administration 2 semesters ahead of your intended matriculation date into med school. (begining of junior year latest). So they can start interviewing more candidates for that slot in traditional route. Don’t know the numbers for PMM, but in places like BU that single open slot translates to considering the candidacy of 100 more traditional applicants. So they would need extra time and planning for that.

Once you have made your intentions clear, you are free to graduate by the end of junior year with the aid of all advanced level credits like AP and satisfying any major related coursework. I have known two students doing that recently in UPitt program also from the same batch even though it is not accelerated.

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In absence of a positive response and given the current timeframe, i think the opportunity is not going to happen.

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@Mom22DDs - I don’t know the answer about opting out and I never tried to know since I wasn’t interested

If you are thinking of opting out, maybe PMM is not for your C. You could wait to see all her options 

As far as I remember, the students won’t get the UG degree until after 1st year of med school

What @rk2017 says makes sense to me.

Even in 8 (4+4) years BSMD, logic says that if the students want to opt out, then they would have to forgo their guaranteed medical school seat. Infact, most BSMD programs will publish this information upfront in their websites
and let their students know.

I am curious to understand why people want to opt out especially when the program is good? Is it that they want to go for better schools than the current one? What’s the point of all this struggle if you want to opt out?

I heard @GoldenRock’s D opted out but he stated the reasons for that earlier other than that I have not heard anyone opting out of the program. I am not trying to point out anyone but trying to understand the reasons as this is our first experience and absolutely no knowledge of medical journey.

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Not valid anymore

My older DD is in medical school this year at NJMS after completing the 3 years of BS at NJIT. She had 3.9x GPA, 94 percentile MCAT and continued good ECS and research, but like you said, she didn’t even consider applying out because she said she sees no point in giving up a medical seat to apply for a medical seat. Made sense.

That said, I know one student in a 8 year BSMD in the east coast that supports applying out. They are seriously preparing for applying out because they want to come back to California for medical school. Folks might make perfectly reasonable decision to apply out based on their circumstances if the program supports it, and I don’t think they should be judged negatively for availing that option.

I don’t know that my DD would apply out no matter where she goes, just given how demanding the application process has been. All the same, if I can find out whether PMM is binding or not, I will share with this group for their knowledge. I am curious about such info usually :upside_down_face:

We did. DD heard on a student forum it was mistakenly sent to students that interviewed when it was only meant for students that did not get called for an interview. I am a bit skeptical about that because I expect FAU would have immediately sent a correction in that case, and DD hasn’t received a correction email so far.

Thanks for the detailed explanation! Is it just to live close to the family or is it because you think they can get residency in CA? Again trying to understand, I heard earlier in this thread just because you do medical school in FL, doesn’t mean you cannot get residency in CA. Is that true and how difficult it is?

I don’t know their reason beyond a desire to apply to medical school in CA, but I gathered they were also aspiring to practice in CA. Not sure about residency. I do not have a medical background, but maybe someone with more familiarity on residencies or practices can comment. My DD did mention that CA residencies are amongst the hardest.

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Right, not sure if they forgot to switch people to the right group? Or they lost track of invitations/rejections?

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