Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Is U-Conn done with sending interview invites?

Whoever registered for today received an email yesterday with the link. Please email and check again,

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Did you register just yesterday for today’s session or ealier?

MD/PhD base is more or less same, yet the difference is visibly noticeable.

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We registered when the interview notification was received but they assigned my C this week’s session and received the link yesterday.

Meant to reply to @srk2017 comment to wait till April DDay:

After having seen my younger DD go through current admission process, I am confident she will do fine in traditional path as well. She has applied to a few UGs that are going to announce admissions on Ivy Day, so we are recommending she wait to hear back from those UGs and then make a decision, as most BSMD admissions are valid whether she accepts now or wait till April.

Nice, rooting for traditional path :slight_smile:

My DD seems to have decided for BSMD, but she is going to wait anyway. PMM seems like an excellent program, so no concerns, but if she was going to make a huge compromise, like going to a college without college life like CNU, I’d be inclined now to recommend she consider traditional path building up on her experience so far. I did not have this confidence earlier, so yes, I’m surprised myself :blush:

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But Schools like Suny Upstate are giving only 2 weeks to finalize. This will be way before April D Day

Sounds like fishing net in pond, you always catch few.

If I remember correctly, you recalled elder daughter having a batch/class mate who happily gave up Princeton for BS/MD? Not at all out of the norm.

Called BU today, they said SMED decision will be out around March 15.

Doesn’t BU SMED come out on the same day as regular decisions? RD is March 27th this year

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This is what the person told me when I called. On their page, I see they say RD notification date as Late March (I do not see any specific date). Where do you see March 27? Is it possible that SMED decision and RD decision dates are different? I specifically asked for SMED.

Has anyone had their interview for Brooklyn BA/MD program yet? I have my interview scheduled for next week and was curious what it will be like and what format it will be?

Yup, and my younger DD was happy to give up even applying to most regular UGs so she can focus on her BSMD Apps.

She did apply to Stanford RD, and if she wins that lottery, which is quite unlikely, then there will be some back and forth discussions in my house. Otherwise, she is all set to go to BSMD. We’ll know soon :blush:

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BU SMED results are out on the same day as all Undergrad. Usually the 3rd Saturday of March before 9 am EST. Unless this time they are so overwhelmed with the 76k applications for Undergrad and decided to do them separately. But as I gather from few sources here, even the SMED has double the volume from last year, so makes it reasonable to club them together as usual.

Heard/read somewhere that the undergrad release date this time is 27th, off by a week, but can’t vouch for it.

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Yea sorry I saw that date on reddit…definitely not the most reliable source hahah

Good luck with everything. Obviously focusing on BS/MD during application process did seem to benefit your C.

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Does anyone knows when NJMS results come out?