Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)


through ACPHS

All the FMBs I know matched this year. Again it takes careful planning to succeed in medicine.

Did they ask you to sign a contract?

Good find especially considering @Sooar78 enthusiasm to go abroad to get a medical degree. Its always possible to be on good side of that 50% matched, but you never know. And with mountain load of money spent (from your bank or in the form of loans), its does not seem a good idea.

excerpt from the article:
The 61 percent match rate for international students may understate the problem, some experts say, because it does not account for medical students who receive no interview offers. With those students included, the match rate for international medical students may drop as low as 50 percent.

I am wondering if you had interviews from other places. Committing this early gives takes you out of running from other meetings. My son was interviewed through ACHPS also but he wants to hear back from Boston and Case western before committing.

It was a very casual conversation for my son.

@BGKYMom yes, my son had interview with NJMS yesterday. We know he was forwarded from NJIT but we did not know the result of his Steven’s interview. Not sure if he was forwarded or not.


And add “Dr. Douglas Medina, who graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine in 2011 and has been unable to match, says he pays at least $220 each month in loans, though some are now paused. “Just a couple of weeks ago I tried to decide between student loans or a stroller for the baby that’s coming,” he said. “It’s not just our careers being ruined, it’s our families.””

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Did she interview with UMKC?

No, not yet


mine is Tuesday

Hey, so quick question. I emailed a person three times before they responded about my picture not uploading/error. I first said the first email then the second one saying sorry for the additional email, then the third email saying I am so sorry, i forgot to mention

Will the REMS manager mark my name down and tell the doctors that I am too anxious, or gave a bad first impression? I was polite in the emails I just sent three before she responded.

She said that it uploaded fine and she looks forward to interacting at the event but idk if im stresing for no reason or if it could harm my chances. Am i overthinking or is it possile? Im worried she would write me down as anxious/stressed and report me to the admissions/she is admissions as manager

It shouldn’t matter, they know students are anxious during this phase. You might want to look into how to decrease your overall anxiety though. Medical school is reasonably high demand and fairly stressful initially, and I worry how you will build up to it, going by the limited view we have had to your anxiety levels so far. You should find some ways to address this before you start school so this doesn’t get in your way. Saying this with the best intentions.

You have done your best, time to relax and wait to hear back.


Yes, definitely learning to relax but are you sure this wont affect me in any way? Like they chose 50 students so if they want to cut down, then wouldnt they want to note anything. Because I sent THREE emails before she responded.

I havethe interview next week. Thats why im thinking she saw i snet lots of emails and as manager she noted down my name and willtell admissions or alreddy listed me as a bad first impression

Based on our past experiences during college visits, admissions process, follow ups, phone and email conversations, admissions officials are the nicest and patient folks. Sure, they may take some time to respond because you are not alone in their queue, but they always try to help the students to the best of their abilities.

Yeah, I think you are wasting your intellectual and emotional energies over nothing. Try to go to interview with a clear mind and no doubts or inhibitions. Try to stay in the present. I would recommend something like meditation if you are familiar with it, jogging or just relaxing watching some movie or something. Good luck.


All the very best for your interview next week, You got this!! You will do just fine. You reached this far, So now just relax and go through what you already know.

I really feel you are the child that this group of parents are really rooting for along with their own! In some weird way, you have won our hearts with your over zealousness border lining anxiousness. At this point, all you have to keep remembering is to relax a little. Please understand all these replies here to you is out of concern and love. All the very best to you.