Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Sometimes I was feeling bad that may be people are trying to be harsh with you but I think definitely you’re overthinking. Why don’t you understand that nothing is in your control? If REMS is not for you then it won’t be and if you’re destined to be a REMS student nothing can stop that.

I definitely suggest you to try Meditation or Yoga as @rk2017 suggested. You’re definitely too stressed. Think about being a medical student and especially in the current situation. Think how all these doctors handled COVID patients for the last one year. Medical school is really stressful. I know few kids dropped out of medical school in 3rd year and going through a psychiatric treatment.

Please be patient and do your best and rest is not in your control. No one tell you how the AO have taken your emails. they don’t really care about all that. Even colleges do mistakes.

Just pray and attend the interview. Wish you good luck!


You are right about PSU and BU (it is more like 25k for NMF, Presidential scholarship). One should take PSU/SKMC as a bird-at-option for becoming a doctor. There are plenty of affluent OOS takers for PSU/SKMC.

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Please get off this thread since no one here can cure your anxiety except for a medical professional. Please do not reply to this OP any more. It seems no one here can help him/her with a reply.


I don’t know their reason beyond a desire to apply to medical school in CA, but I gathered they were also aspiring to practice in CA. Not sure about residency. I do not have a medical background, but maybe someone with more familiarity on residencies or practices can comment. My DD did mention that CA residencies are amongst the hardest.

Getting a residency is CA is difficult. According to the GSMQ, fully 35-40% of all graduating med students hope to complete their residency in CA. CA simply doesn’t offer that many residency slots. Like most western states, CA has fewer academic medical centers than eastern states so there are fewer available academic residency positions than those who want them. There are also fewer community hospital residency programs in CA. Community hospital residencies are less prestigious than those offered academic centers. (Community hospital programs provide perfectly acceptable training for young doctors, but if a physician wants an academic/teaching or research career or to pursue a competitive subspecialty fellowship–those career tracks really aren’t going to be supported by a community program.)

Getting a medical position in CA is NOT dependent on doing residency in CA. Graduating residents enter a national job market. But it helps to have local physician/hospital contacts (which you get from doing a residency nearby) or to have graduated from a prestigious residency (anywhere in the US) if you want to work in CA. (Or anywhere specific, truthfully.)

Re: medical licensing

Every state has its own licensing board and its own specific licensing requirements. There is little or no reciprocity in medical licensing among states. Residents first become eligible for a full, independent medical license 6 months before the completion of the residency program. {National requirement.] Before that they work under a training license that belongs to their residency program, and not to the young doctors themselves. Licensing in a new state can be a cumbersome process and can take up to 6 months or more. (Many medical boards only meet every month or every other month to review applications.)

Medical licensing boards do not require additional exams of applicants from other states.

There are, however, post residency exams that newly graduated physician must take. These are their medical specialty (and subspecialty if they have one) exams. Specialty boards are governed by the professional organization for each specialty. Every specialty requires newly graduated resident pass a written exam (usually a national standardized exam); many also require passing an national oral exam as well.

Practically speaking, it’s almost impossible to get job unless a doctor is board-eligible or board-certified in their specialty. (Insurance companies, medicare and medicaid won’t reimburse non-BE/BC physicians.)



Well I may not be a doctor, but I do have a couple degrees hanging on my wall that qualify me to say this:

You need to talk to someone. Therapeutically.

It will help. A lot. I can’t imagine what real life is like if this is what internet life is like.

I don’t know about med programs, but for my clinical psych program it was mandatory we attend counseling. I only hope that students like this are connected to services because there’s more flags in her posts than in a European futbol game.

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@mygrad2021 Medical professionals have to take risk with treating COVID patients everyday. Imagine how stressful is this on them and their families. They have developed coping strategies to deal with this risk as a part of daily routine.

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What do you mean by this “No one tell you how the AO have taken your emails. they don’t really care about all that. Even colleges do mistakes.”?

Thanks, I willr elax

— deleted

Im just a girl from New York trying to get into my dream program. If they see this thread im basically screwed already

At this point I just feel like this is some kind of Reddit prank given the antipathy of that population towards cc



no now im scared becasue that person said rochester is monitoring and its easy to find out my name if they have my emails and all.

Hmm… I checked your post history and recently you were asking if someone else was also from the “bay area” and now you’re from New York?

I dont reveal my identity online I just know that girl from elementary schol


are u cussing? it shwos as balck squares, but sorry i will get off this thread and just do my best with the interview. I am not a ■■■■■, I was just a little anxious and I will work on myself but this is a program ive dreamed off since junior high.

so is this the way to nurture your dream?

And i apologize. I understand people are monitoring this thread now and i understand my mistakes I apologize.

sooner you learned not to worry about things that you don’t have control of, better for you. MD journey is not a sprint, it is a marathon/triathlon.

Agrred. I apologize, now i am worried about people seeing this thread but i will not bug everyone here nonetheless, i apologize and will give my best at the interview if they hopefully havent already marke me down