Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

there you go, build that confidence and use it for your advantage, you can ace it.


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it only lets me do for some

Thank you from many of us for providing us much needed relief about our own kids. If this is a Reddit prank, keep at it :wink:

Yes, that reiterates what I stated earlier, how nice, patient and understanding these admissions people are. They can only help and not hurt.

Now go back to your interview preparation or even just taking it easy and relaxing if you find that stressful. Be yourself at the interview with a clear mind and you should be just fine.

I have to ask, though my kid will likely not want me to. I live in CA. My kids are going anywhere but CA for their BSMD. If residency in CA is competitive and not easy to get into, what is the strategy to get a job in CA?

We had a local doctor tell us how important it is to go to a good medical school to get into top residencies and programs and how he himself went to a reasonably top program and everyone needs to be clear about their priorities and be ready to compromise. We did not understand whet compromise he indicated he made. Now I am wondering. He chose family medicine so he can come to CA for a job??

Yes talking to a mental help professional can be very helpful for people in different stages of and walks of life. I believe that’s why this student is sharing his apprehensions on this forum, talking over it diffuses a lot of such in built anxieties.

Many companies now a days provide free counseling sessions not only to the employees but to all their family members. Just talking it over to an outsider and letting out the emotional burdens, which many times people can’t express to their own family members, friends or acquaintances can take the weight off. On top of it these counselors are experienced professionals who can offer constructive advice from multiple angles which other people mentioned above may not be. Even med schools have dedicated staff to advise students facing burn downs or melt downs and such challenges.

But remember, at PSU it may be only 2 years of undergrad you may have to pay for fully.

It is quite a norm that hardly any well known institution gives any significant price breaks based on NMF these days. Surprisingly only BU still does, and USC is the other. So no need of finding fault with Penn State.

But yes agree it is the right decision to nominate BU as 1 st choice, hardly makes any sense to nominate Penn State for 3K.

Not finding fault with PSU at all. Most public colleges give some aid based on applications (more essays, yes) or automatic aid based on scores or GPA, but PSU aids are mainly for Honors college that BSMD students cannot apply to. Checking for any alternate options that may be known to folks here.

irony is at so many BS/MD programs you have to have honors admission.


We are doing a ranking comparison of all colleges my DD had interviewed at and realized UConn is ranked better than PSU for medical school research and primary.

UConn SpiM seems to be talked about very little. I saw something about UConn BSMD kid having a bad experience at UG. I realize those are personal experiences and vary student to student. Would appreciate any shared knowledge about the medical school itself, especially as compared to SKMC.

any feedback from the people who interviewed at umkc recently, any tips and pointers will be really helpful.

Family medicine is not a competitive and highly sought after specialty, hence easier to get a good residency. There are plenty of Family medicine jobs in CA (available positions are higher compared to other specialties).

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My DD interviewed. She said there are about 10 sessions. In each session, they are shown a question or situation, given time to read and synthesize it, then an interviewer joined the session and asked her to respond to it. She said some interviewers asked follow up questions on her answer, some a related question on the topic. all were pleasant and some provided positive encouragement.


By “+1” you mean D got into UConn program? If so congratulations again.

Don’t know enough but remember forom previous years’ threads that they are fine with students in the program applying out (probably because of 8 years). Also vaguely remember someone citing how some students in earlier batches switched over to Yale for med school (could be wrong)

PSU and Temple are both so called “state related” universities in PA, not public universities.
The term “state-related” applies to universities in Pennsylvania which are statutorily established as an instrumentality of the commonwealth and receive an annual appropriation. Each university is responsible for setting its own tuition, fees and related costs of attendance. Costs vary from institution to institution.
A private institution for most of its 226-year history, the University of Pittsburgh became a state-related institution in 1966.

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I wish! May your words come true :wink::pray:

By +1, I meant that I also noticed they needed to get into Honors to become eligible for BSMD, but at PSU, it is one or the other.

@REMSHOPEFUL123 - First of all, wish you the best for your REMS interview.

As I am observing your chats and response from others to you, I didn’t notice anyone feeling annoyance about your anxiety. I felt that every one seemed worried about you. All of us feel that you need to get over anxiety by focussing on other things right now
Just go and help your mom/parents cook and clean
Physical work can be therapeutic.

Most kids don’t spend anytime looking at College Confidential forums. Only their parents do

You did all you could so far. You worked really hard for last 3.5-4 years and got BSMD interview to your dream college. This is a great achievement. You are in a good place. You need to be calm and confident. Hope everything will go well for you.


Usually people talk about BSMD programs that do not have in state preference in college confidential. UConn SPIM admissions show in state preference but do select a few OOS students. Other BSMD in state programs such as Joint Scholars program in Minnesota is also not discussed in CC

My S didn’t apply to UConn last year. BSMD applications are a lot of work so students end up picking and choosing, as you know

When did your D interview there?