Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

IMO, It should be pretty easy for students in 8 years BSMD programs to switch over since they complete all 4 years of UG and get graduate. As long as they are willing to lose their guarantee in BSMD “medical school”, they could probably switch…

No what I meant was that the program will still keep the slot for the students of the program even as they attempt to explore other med schools.

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In my experience, many colleges offer merit scholarships to students with high merit. This is not limited to only one or two colleges…Colleges like (USC, BU, UofR, CSWRU, Temple, Drexel, Stevens, Stony Brook) may offer merit award to attract a few students who would otherwise choose HYPSM/University of California universities or UMich/UNC Chapel Hill etc. However these merit awards are only given to very few students.

Most of the colleges want majority of their students to be “Full Pay” students, obviously!

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Is Upitt medical school also state funded school. ? The fee for UPSOM is high and same as top private and Ivy medical schools not good for out of state and may be for PA instate preference and discount. can one sate residency in 4 years of undergrad ?

My DD interviewed same time as everyone else, Feb. 10th I believe. She will not be applying out, no matter which program she gets into. She is not even onboard to go to Stanford (if she gets in) and then apply out, though my personal opinion, seeing her go through medical school apps this cycle, is that she will do well if she went that route. Her choice :slight_smile:

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@rk2017 - I see. Can you please share the link where you saw that UConn SPIM allows this?

I went to the link - and found that they require students to participate in research, volunteering, interview. It seems that the admission is not guaranteed with just GPA and MCAT score!

In order to matriculate into the School of Medicine, students must

  • Maintain a 3.6 cumulative grade point average (4.0 scale);
  • Achieve MCAT total scores in the 80th percentile rank
  • Participate in clinical, research, and community service activities;
  • Have favorable interviews during the senior undergraduate year.

Sure, one should let the C choose whatever option, as mentioned previously myself was against C going to BS/MD or medicine in fact and was recommending to go in the direction of investment banking, but left it completely to C’s eventual choice.

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IMO, public medical schools are expensive for OOS students and almost cost the same as the private ones. They may turn out to be more expensive than private medical colleges in some cases…

You can’t assume…you have to actually do a cost wise comparison.

No link per se, but rather what some shared in earlier cycles after talking to those in the program or during orientations. No patience to search for them using the new user interface on this forum. :wink:

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Any advice please from experienced parents/students on the protocol for updating schools if we have interviewed and are waiting on results, but are not planning to accept even if offered admission?

My DD has shortlisted some schools that she would like to go to. For any upcoming interviews like Drexel, she has already declined it because she prefers PSU over Drexel. For those where she interviewed and is waiting on results, but already knows she will not accept admission even if offered, she is not sure what to do. She thinks it would be considered presumptuous of her to assume she would be offered admission and proactively turn it down, and might be seen as unprofessional/rude behavior. She is at the same time wondering if they might prefer she update them so they don’t waste time inviting her and then reaching out to next student. Advice please?

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I don’t see it presumptuous at ALL if she emails and states she has accepted enrollment at xyz and therefore would like to withdraw her application from consideration. I actually highly encourage her to do so.

I worked in admissions at a very well known PNW school. We would get emails frequently about this and in no way did we see it as presumptuous or unprofessional. You get quite a few after ED rounds usually too.


Thank you! She does not have all desired acceptances to commit yet but she know where she will not accept admission. For pre-interview withdraws, she worded it generally saying her current plans have changed and she would like to withdraw, and I will ask her to similarly update those she is waiting on for interview decisions but will not accept.

UPitt (and Temple and Penn State) are partially state funded in that the Pennsylvania Legislature underwrites a portion of the cost of attendance for in-state residents.

Pennsylvania has no true publicly funded medical colleges like some other state do.


Anyone knows when we can hear from AMC ?
Looking at previous posts , some people heard in 2nd week of February.
Anyone here who did AMC - heard ?

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Is UConn done with sending interview invites ? I only saw 1 parent receiving the interview.
@Mom22DDs - Did they mention anything about this in pre/post interview

I do not know if there are multiple interviews for UConn. My daughter interviewed on Feb. 10th. She said there were many familiar faces/names across Penn State, UConn, BU and maybe even FAU interviews. UConn was a group interview, only one of its kind she has attended, where they asked each student to respond to the same topic/question. She said some kids went on for a bit on their responses, while some were on the concise side, so it was a bit uneven in terms of how much voice-time each got. She thought everyone in the group was great, so she is unsure of what to expect.

@Mom22DDs - My S declined all the colleges he was not willing to accept. Most of the times, the student portal has a button with “accept” or “decline” which you can find under the Acceptance letter. Once you decline, you can enter a brief reason in the comment box. This is the easiest way to decline.

A few colleges do not have this, so my S sent out an email (1-2 lines) saying why he is declining following the format suggested by @mom2boys1999.


Thank you. She is going to first write to those places she had BSMD interviews where results are not yet announced and she does not plan to attend. This will hopefully help them take her out of consideration before making decisions.

I don’t know if she is going to decline all of the regular UG admissions, as it may take a while to login to each of them and update them (she applied to many due to BSMD feeders etc.). Is it typical to explicitly decline UG admissions? We did not do it for older DD.

I am sure other students will appreciate it, if your D declines to the places where she had BSMD interviews. Last cycle, we noticed that one kid in CC was moved from wait list to acceptance as soon as another kid declined (& posted on CC)!!

Although the benefit is obvious in BSMD admissions, the same logic applies to UG admissions as well. My S did these after April 1st (after some coaxing from me)!


Fair point, I will share with her.

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