Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Whether a student declining UG has any ramifications honestly depends on how the school builds in its yield protection. Acceptances are sent with the expectation that many will not accept enrollment. Some schools build very tight models of this whereas others have no waiting lists at all.

I would say it matters more for merit based aid. If a student declines a spot and frees up financial resources, that’s really a much bigger deal.


Not heard back post interview, also wondering the same.

Was she allowed to see the prompt while she was giving her answers? And were there any task collaboration or acting scenarios?

Not sure if you are the student or the parent. Did you (or your DC) interview on Feb. 10th as well @harvester50?

Yes, she said you are given a minute or so by yourself for each prompt. Then the interviewer joins but you can continue seeing the prompt, and you will also see the interviewer. She said there were no acting scenarios or collaboration tasks in her questions. She basically provided a response to the interviewer for each prompt and many either asked a follow up question on her response or asked a related question on the prompt.

Hope that helps.

This helps tremendously. Thank you! Is she in-state?

DD is OOS.

OH and did she think the Toledo test was okay or…?

Yes, she said the Toledo test was easy @speedyliv and @myhouse1 . She also said the prompts were direct as far as she could make out, not confusing to understand and not trick questions meant to throw anyone off.

Best wishes.

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thank you really appreciate it. how was the toledo test?

@Mom22DDs A simple email to admission office is sufficient to decline any admission/scholarship. Institutions take into account that only a certain percentage will join the program when offering admissions. Even BSMDs will assume, may be half of those offered will join since most may have multiple offers. Do no bother about feeders to NJMS, IMO. Unless one makes a deposit to an institution, the admission is not secured, IMO,

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The difference between instate vs out-of-state tuition for medical schools is not much in PA. It may not be worth changing domicile unless one wants to work as a MD in PA. UPitts medical school tuition $57,684 vs $59,930, difference of nearly 2.5-3k/year.

Anyone do the RPI/AMC MMI interview? If so, can you share how it went?

PSU medical school = Hershey.
Jefferson SKMC is not equal to PSU.

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University Michigan does have instate tution cheaper both for undergrad and medical school but does not have BS MD program and traditional route for some instate students seems to be attractive.

We are giving up instate Michigan option as child has top Ivy admission and are only trying PPSAP and GAP if we get interview Still in my opinion the medical school cost for both is same as other top schools and there is no cost advantage.

UPitt is not FULLY state-funded. It is state-aided.
If memory serves me right, they receive over $150 million annually.

PA similarly funds PennState and Temple.
They also have some arrangement with SKMC - do not know the full details of this.


Agree, UPitts SOM and LKSOM both are as expensive as most private medical schools.

Anyone with kid/acquaintances at StonyBrook BSMD or Brown BSMD programs that can share some insider insights?

I doubt he chose FM to get a job in CA :slight_smile: Doing residency or fellowship in CA will help tremendously in getting job in CA compared to those who did outside of CA. With more and more opting for a job instead of private practice medical school/residency/fellowship prestige will certain help. When my wife applied for job her program prestige and connections she established certainly helped her beating out other T5 applicants. This is one of the reasons my S declined BSMD and prestige obsession like some say about anyone who aim for T10s.

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one more question, for the toledo test, is AP chem preparation needed? and for the prompts is that specifics (category, topics) that you can share?