Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

for me its a med atudent, a group discussion then a lady

mine isnt

whats the title? it sayas

You don’t need to worry about it they just randomly sorted it and each interviewer is given equal weight - it doesn’t matter who the interviewer is

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Can anyone answer my previous question about having an interview that was a time slot of 40 minutes but ended up being 20 minutes haahah

No thats pretty worrisome because I dont have a doctor. The doctor who is interviewing you is probably directly in charge of decisions in some way. I think they may have ranked atudents prior and then decided or created a preliminary rank to interview students.

you are overthinking this too much LOL just because they have a doctor title doesn’t mean they have more say!! just relax and see what happens. They chose you as a finalist be happy that is a big accomplishment!

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Yeah i mean im hyped true but i really want to get in the program too uk. Is your doctor one of the admissions people it shows above at the top? Also, how do you know the bolded means interview i didnt even know this third one is an interview

@REMSHOPEFUL123 Please relax before interview and go with clamness. These REMS folks know what they are doing.

Alright,. Im just disappointed because I wanted to talk specifics about my medical ventures and the man interviewing me isnt a researcher/doctor but i guess its alright

FYI, a resident may be the chief resident who is in-charge of all residents at UOR hospital. Be respectful with medical student/resident as you will be with a MD or a PhD professor, IMO.

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No i didnt mean in that sense. Everyones amazing no doubt about that i was just asking because i was surprised

is your doctor one of the ones listed under the med presentation

About FAU medical school tuition - my D says she does not remember FAU saying anything about it during information session on interview day.

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You go around everything in circles! Just go to interview and get it done in awesome way. Everything else is immaterial because you have no control on who and in what order they interview you.


Wow! Just got my second dose Pfizer about 2 hours ago. Keeping my fingers crossed lol


No one knows exactly how Step 1 going P/F is going to affect residency placement. The general consensus is that PDs will simply use Step 2CK as their numerical filter instead of Step 1.

Both FAU and SKMC likely place many (most?) of their students into regional residencies because those programs are most familiar with the schools’ respective reputations and are more familiar with the preceptors who write students’ LORs.

Also there is a certain amount selection bias going on from the student’s side. Presumably students at each school are more likely to be from the region (Tri-state/mid-Atlantic for SKMC and SE US for FAU) and want to stay local for residency because they like the area or/and intend to remain in the region to practice post residency.

The difference in the perceived prestige between FAU and SKMC is pretty minimal. If the questions was whether one should attend either FAU or Brown/Northwestern–then this would be a different conversation.

If the parents/student can afford both FAU and SKMC–I would recommend the student choose the program that offers the best fit because the student is going to spend the next 7-8 years of their life going to that school. And that’s 8 years of their young life they are never going to get back. If they are unhappy/discontented/miserable–the odds says the student won’t make it to med school graduation.


Kiddo just got the official “didn’t get selected” email from Hofstra.

yeah i will but i was really hoping for a doctor. I guess they chose how to match professors.interviewers with people with intent