Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Hi, hope everyone’s doing well! None of my family is in the medical field so I was just wondering what’s the best way to prepare for interviews. Any advice on how do you know what kinds of questions to expect and that sort of thing.

All interviewees are assigned completely randomly usually. If you don’t get a doctor it could be good too - your lady might be impressed with how well you know your research/activities compared to an actual doctor! And just because one is a doctor does not mean they have more of a say in the final decision!!

Same, was expecting it at this point :expressionless:

Yes, it’s normal to be interviewed by a med student. Most schools use student interviewers. (And community members who aren’t necessarily doctors too.)

Everyone who interviews potential students goes through training which helps them identify traits and personal qualities that make a good doctor.

When is your interview, not an exact date but something of next week, next 10 days kind of nature.

Courteous Hofstra decline, without saying it yet.

They say one may be invited from waitlist up until last interview date (March 12th) if already invited folks decline or drop out of their interview at the last minute.

Invited 64 candidates to interview for one of the approximately 20 spots available.
Last year, able to offer interviews to approximately 5-10 students from the wait list.

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How to prepare?

Be yourself. Be genuine and sincere. Trying to pretend you’re something you’re not is the fastest way to ruin an interview.

Also while it’s normal to nervous, try to take some time to settle yourself before you start answering questions. Don’t rush your answers. Don’t rehearse your answers ahead of time too much so that the answers start to sound “canned”. Be thoughtful and mindful in your answers.

If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so. Don’t flail around or guess.

Interviewers aren’t trying to test your knowledge; they’re observing how you react to uncomfortable situations and stress.

The types of questions vary by interviewer and program, but be prepared to explain why you want to be doctor. Be prepared to talk about what you perceive your own personal strengths and weaknesses are. Be prepared to talk about your volunteer experiences and what you’ve learned from them. Be prepared to talk about a time you’ve failed at something or have been place in very difficult (no win) situation, how you reacted to that experience and what you learned from the experience.


Same here not officially declined but looks like no hope.

within the next 10 days yes

well 11 days*

Im interviewed by a student and a comm member but no doctor thats why i was confused

hey guys, so i got rejected post-interview for two BSMDs so far and also post-interview for a scholarship. I’m wondering if this means my interview skills are lacking or just tough luck? I did get into a T20 REA that considers the interview important but not a deal breaker. I’m not sure what to think.

Thank you for the advice! :slight_smile:

It does not hurt to have one of your mentors or someone with some familiarity with admissions do a mock interview and give you feedback. Ask them specifically for feedback on your content as well as your delivery, not just content. A lot of times it is more about ‘how’ you respond than about your response itself.

There are some professional interview prep outfits, and it doesn’t hurt to setup an hour or two of interview prep with one of them if you have more interviews coming up.


Thank you. I did have an older friend who’s a college student now mock interview me as well as my counselor. Both said I was doing well but I was visibly a little nervous starting out., however they could’ve just been trying to be nice now that I think about it lol. I don’t have any more interviews left.

Well, you might just end up going into a more prestigious medical school through the traditional path! You never know. What you should do, should you go that route, is get more formal interview prep, and also look forward to positive update from other interviews you’ve done that you’re still waiting to hear back on.

All the best!

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just curious, did anyone have dr. ilyas for the njms interview? and how was it like?

Has anyone heard back from W&J so far for the Temple portion of the BSMD?

@snowball14 - Congratulations on your REA admission to a Top UG. You should feel proud of your achievement. For now, relax, Enjoy and maybe network and socialize with people from your new college.

As far as I see, your interview prep was pretty good. @Mom22DDs gave good tips on interviewing and you could try hiring professionals to prep you for future interviews.

In the past, I have noticed that bright students have ended up not getting admitted to BSMD because they didn’t apply widely. BSMD admissions are tricky and hard to predict, so students need to cast a wider net.


So me not having a doctor as my individual interviewer is not gonna negatively impact me in any way? Cant a doctor just say I can def see this person becoming a successful physicican and it would have more influence?

Either way im really excited i just dont know how these people/intervueiwers were chosen and matched.