Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

May be your D just wants to get away from sunny CA, even Stanford may not be able to hold her in CA.

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I think they have to leave home to experience the difference for themselves. Older DD kept sharing with us how much she loved having seasons vs sunny CA. At the first opportunity to spend CoVid year with us, she has stayed put at home in CA, and is not entertaining any thoughts of going back to school unless required to :wink:

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Thank you! I’m very excited since the school was one of my top choice undergraduate program however I really wanted to get admission to a bs/md program. i do think you are right in that i should’ve cast a wider net. i only applied to 4 programs that were best for me location-wise and at schools that i really liked in terms of fit.

and thank you @Mom22DDs for the tips!

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No. We are waiting to hear back from Temple.

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FAU used to give free in-state medical tuition couple of years ago when they were new, not anymore. Their medical school was established in 2012 which is fairly new.
Also anyone considering FAU please make sure they have the resources for the specialty you or your child is interested in. I heard they lack resources in some areas.


Not yet

My son had him. He said it was very casual and he was bit concerned.

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You did very well by securing 2 interviews out of 4 programs. May be you could improve interviewing skills for regular route MD. GL for your UG.


are u sure its random? Like is thie fact that i didnt get a doctor does that mean they ranked me lower so thats why

@mygrad201 Your C may want to go to sunny places like FL or CA to escape from the brutal winters !!!. Ranking may not factor in his/her calculations.

Thanks! I wish she prefers sunny places like me but she likes east coast more. :slight_smile: I was referring to Ohio State and it’s in-state for us.

Does Ohio state gives in-state preference for medical school admissions ?
FYI, There is material advantage as in-state applicant in OSU medical school admisisons. (acceptance rates 13.6% (in-state) vs 4.1%( out-of-state). This is a 3:1 ratio. May you can convince her to stay in home.

I have no idea and not that knowledgeable.

May be nothing wrong with your interviewing skills. These programs offer interview to twice if not more number of candidates than they can actually take in and interviews are only 10 percent of the overall math. Instead of asking random people who have not seen you interview, feel proud of what you have achieved so far and focus on your future plans.

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Again interview is not the only criteria, so you can’t assume that you got rejected due to poor interview performance. Rest of your app has more weightage than interview. Unless you really bombed (no eye contact, mumbling, shaking or cut short interviewer or other candidates) you shouldn’t worry too much about interview.

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@srk2017 , I think you were referring to @snowball14

FYI, There is a material advantage as in-state applicant in OSU medical school admisisons. (acceptance rates 13.6% (in-state) vs 4.1%( out-of-state)). This is a 3:1 ratio. May be you can convince her to stay in home state.

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There you go again! can you take a break from this forum at least until your interview? I don’t think there is a single person on this forum that can convince you on one single thing.

If we knew all the backstage details, we would have put our own kids into whatever program they want to be rather than going through this darn process :rofl:


