Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

But the manager, he sent my mom an email so like I know he is on his email. Thats why im worried: is me saying sorry twice something that would make me look overtly anxious or worried?

Okay thanks, it’s been like that for a few weeks so I guess it can’t hurt to ask.

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Not necessarily, besides people aren’t usually look into the intent and emotional state of the person who emailed them often. It’s not like you’re emailing Sigmund Freud :joy:

@REMSHOPEFUL123 - what other programs did you apply to ?

So am i really worrying about nothing or do u think it would have some impact? I updated my portal a lot of times because i couldn’t see my responses so thats what I apologized and did so twice. I know my interview skills are really good but this is the only thing im worried about

none this was the only one that i really resonated with and thats where the stress is from

What i was worried about was if every time i updated they got a notification. I was updating the smame form not really adding anything new but iwasnt able to see my responses and explained that and said sorry twice for that. If thats not an issue then im confident everything will be fine cause I have had like 20 interviews each year from diff programs

You should try yoga and deep breathing exercises. You are working yourself up too much. It will affect your physical health.
Whatever is done is done, you cannot change it so just relax and focus on your interview performance and not what you have already done.
By this behavior you are ruining your chances of doing well in the interview.

Well BU is a more well known institution, and more competitive to get into. But UTD may give you full ride. At BU, if not need based the max price break they are going to give is like 25k. BU is in a very urban locale whereas guess UTD in more of a suburban kind. If you have a major in mind, you may want to check out the department websites and faculty at both the places. Not sure if climate is of concern for you. BU has its own med school so students from their institution have an edge in their selections (around 1/3 of incoming med class every year is affiliated with BU in someway or sometime, SMED, undergrad, EAP, graduate students, alumni)

Now we have to really be worried if you don’t use worry in your post! You don’t take any answer and you don’t stop worrying. I started doubting if a bot is posing those questions on your behalf just to keep us engaged! Or just to check if we ever run out of patience, a good trait for future physicians and parents of future physicians! :rofl: :rofl:

So u think me saying sorry twice in two separate emails and not getting a reesponse is truly nothing to worry about and it wont be brought up in a discussion of me negatibely?

:pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza:

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wait - I am getting popcorn :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Who will bring soda?

I think CC should impose “block” and “limit” time usage for HS students during school year. Don’t they have classes and homework during school days ? :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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No but honestly So u think me saying sorry twice in two separate emails and not getting a reesponse is truly nothing to worry about and it wont be brought up in a discussion of me negatibely?

Its the only program i applied to i love it that much

Honestly, I find myself hopping in here just to check for questions :rofl:

We are hoping for BU SMED despite a seemingly off interview with UG prof, and this definitely helps me pass time, I won’t lie!!

I rather would drive myself up to Rochester to get that answer from your interviewer, because my answer like many others does not have any bearing to calm your worry. :tired_face:

Can you please STOP asking these questions! Can you change the outcome with your worry? If you don’t get into BS/MD, I am sure you’re a capable student as you got invitation from REMS. If you g in a regular path and work on your stress levels you will be a good doctor in the future.

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And I’m low key checking for an update on the interview too!!

Rooting for you @REMSHOPEFUL123 !! Chin up and go rock it!!