Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I will definitely send updates after but can someone respond to this:

Do you believe me saying sorry twice in two separate emails and not getting a reesponse is truly nothing to worry about and it wont be brought up in a discussion of me negatibely?

Congratulations!!! Is it same as other BSMD programs? Maybe I didn’t completely understand this statement:

Does UCF have an “accelerated” or “guaranteed admission” medical program?

UCF does not have an accelerated medical program; however, first-time-in-college (FTIC) students are eligible to apply for the Burnett Medical Scholars Program. This intensive academic program facilitates the articulation between graduates of UCF’s Burnett Honors College and the UCF College of Medicine. Students must meet all eligibility and performance requirements for both the Burnett Honors College and the Medical Scholars Program.

No saying sorry twice won’t affect your chances negatively!!!

NO NO NO - no one thinks negatively for saying SORRY

Please don’t extend this question further.

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Reg FAU :
FAU gives COA ( includes Full Tuition, Boarding, Books , Travel expenses etc) for NMF for undergraduate study. Medical school Tuition depends on state residency.


Thanks - the irony of me responding to ur username HAHAH. But yeah idk the manager, he didnt respond so thats where the thought came from and the fact that i had to update. my portal like 40 times. Even though i updated nothing new i didnt know if the updates went through

I think you’re fine, again they aren’t psychoanalyzing your emails.

The students who apply to this program automatically get accepted as long as they meet the stats, no interview at the high school level and such. So,technically its not a true BSMD because you dont have a gauranteed acceptance to medschool. I think they only guarantee interview if you meet the undergrad gpa, mcat and other requirements that the program requires.

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ok i mean i updated the portal a 100 times (not changing anythng but just clicking update cause i couldnt see responses) so thats why i was saying sorry. idk if they even received anything on their end but if what im saying in this message is not a problem at all please let me know

i updated the portal a 100 times (not changing anythng but just clicking update cause i couldnt see responses) so thats why i was saying sorry. idk if they even received anything on their end but if what im saying in this message is not a problem at all please let me know

Done. Keeping my fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:

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would recommend to use community feature ‘flag’ at your discretion.

ok im done i wont b back. apologies

Congratulations to your daughter! I was just accepted as well. BMS used to be one of my top choices, although now I’m a little worried about the requirements to advance to med school as they are so high. I want to be able to enjoy college and not be studying 24/7, although I am willing to work very hard if I need to. Does anyone have any advice/input about this? Thanks!

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I have heard that the interview is just a formality and that everybody meeting GPA/ MCAT with some extracurriculars will advances. Is this not true? Thank you

You can get MCAT 514 or more easily if your prepare well.

There is no such thing as a guaranteed BSMD because all of them have some conditions attached to them by definition, QED.

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I believe that its 514 now but yeah I agree the MCAT requirement isn’t a deal breaker. I am more worried about the GPA, which is 3.85. It sounds incredibly high, so much so that messing up one/two classes could get you kicked out. Part of me wonders if that is even more stressful than traditional applications, especially if we aren’t even guaranteed admission to UCF COM as @2FutureBSMDsMom pointed out.

Is this GPA 3.8 every semester or overall UG GPA at the end of 4th year ? Make your decision wisely. But you can always apply via regular route MD if you do not make it.

My apologies, its actually 3.8. That is at the end of graduation. The requirements for each year are listed here. Do you think the 3.6/3.7 freshman/sophomore might give me a little more wiggle room?