Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Also, is there list of colleges for BS/DDS?

Look for Dr. Ruben’s mini med school website. There is a tab or section in there which lists various direct dental programs.

Is there direct 7 year optometry program? If so, please redirect me. Thank you

Just a few I found with a quick search. I’m sure you could find more if you looked

Thank you very much

Do any of the senior members or upperclassmen in high school have an opinion on delaying taking AP Bio till junior yr of HS will look like for BSMD? I will be high school class of 2023…took Honors Bio as a freshman ended w a B+, took the AP Bio exam this last May, got a 3/5…plan to retake the exam w the course but thinking being online at my school maybe all school year will not help w AP Bio labs…do thinking of delaying AP Bio till junior year i.e. Fall of 2021…will I forget the bio I knew freshman year so worth the risk doing AP Bio online? AP Bio at my school will not have labs in person and likely will not have kits being mailed to us at home etc as we are a very large public school w minimal resources. This will delay AP Chem to senior year and regular Physics or Honors Physics can happen senior year so my science pathway:
Honors Bio Freshman Yr
Honors Chem Sophomore Yr
AP Bio Junior Yr
AP Chem + Honors Physics Senior Yr

I do not think I will have time to study / fit in the Chem SAT II…so may forego 2-3 BSMD schools which are probably out of reach anyways.

Thoughts? Thanks.

Excuse the typos.
If take AP Bio as a sophomore this will be my science pathway:
Honors Biology Freshman Yr
Honors Chemistry + AP Biology Sophomore Yr
AP Chemistry Junior Yr
Honors Physics Senior Yr

I plan to replace AP Biology sophomore year this fall with AP Psychology as I may learn AP Psy better being 100% online and we will have less LIVE teaching and mostly recorded videos w work being assigned. My school had no labs or online teaching Mark - June 2020 due to covid so do not see this fall online being that different. So that is why thinking of delaying AP Bio to junior year so I can learn it better in person.

Thank you.

Excuse the typos.
If take AP Bio as a sophomore this will be my science pathway:
Honors Biology Freshman Yr
Honors Chemistry + AP Biology Sophomore Yr
AP Chemistry Junior Yr
Honors Physics Senior Yr

I plan to replace AP Biology sophomore year this fall with AP Psychology as I may learn AP Psy better being 100% online and we will have less LIVE teaching and mostly recorded videos w work being assigned. My school had no labs or online teaching Mark - June 2020 due to covid so do not see this fall online being that different. So that is why thinking of delaying AP Bio to junior year so I can learn it better in person.

Thank you.

Excuse the typos.
If take AP Bio as a sophomore this will be my science pathway:
Honors Biology Freshman Yr
Honors Chemistry + AP Biology Sophomore Yr
AP Chemistry Junior Yr
Honors Physics Senior Yr

I plan to replace AP Biology sophomore year this fall with AP Psychology as I may learn AP Psy better being 100% online and we will have less LIVE teaching and mostly recorded videos w work being assigned. My school had no labs or online teaching Mark - June 2020 due to covid so do not see this fall online being that different. So that is why thinking of delaying AP Bio to junior year so I can learn it better in person.

Thank you.

One AP Bio exam will not make any difference in this whole scheme of bsmd admissions. You should concentrate on your GPA and SAT I score and medical ECs when possible to do. Most medical schools will not give you AP credits for medical school pre-requisites(BCMP).

You may have to take Biology I and II with labs in college anyway. To get any AP credits in science subjects aim for 5 (4 may be in some places).

You can always go via regular route and have a much better chance of at least ONE medical school admission. You are just a sophomore and spending too much time on this board.

Google is a wonderful tool. Befriend it.

My recommendation to anyone applying to these programs, try to have 3 (or more if possible) BCPM APs on your transcript by the time you apply. Score well on the AP tests. And yes, should have a core science subject (not computer or environment sciences) each year.

You don’t need to take APs to take SAT II subject tests.


Acceptance rates for a BS/MDs program is in low single digits.

Temple/Temple offers about 6-10 seats. About 4-6 join that program.


Many of you have reached out to me regarding concerns about subject tests and cancellation of SAT Aug 29 tests (at many test centers).

I am sharing here with the broader group what I have shared with many of you privately.

For this year’s cycle, except for GW/GW and SBU/GW, no other BS/MD program MANDATES it.
A few others recommend it but you can apply to those programs without the subject tests.
In the COVID19 section of common app, you can highlight the test cancellations as a reason for not being able to take the SAT subject tests.

Hopefully, this will help reduce your anxiety.

For my D, Aug 29 Subject Test got cancelled. We have signed her up for next date of Oct 3. We will see what happens then. That would possibly be the last chance because deadline for most BSMD programs are in mid-late Nov.

@rk1235rk I am in the same situation. I have signed up for every date before November, but other than that I have no clue what I can do. Do any senior members or experts have advice?

OMG! Why did they cancel HPME program this year? Not fair

Just read the post #836 - two posts above your post.

I believe that post addressed only Subject tests.