Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

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Is Orgo Chem natural progression (next-step) from AP Chem? There is nothing in-between?

I think there is an introductory chemistry course that @srk2017 mentioned which is more or less equivalent to AP Chemistry but some students repeat that.

@srk2017 , you said not to take AP credit for science courses. Is it worth taking AP exams then this year?

Be careful with any college courses you take during high school and UG. If you have to fill out a AMCAS application all these courses need to be reported regardless of grades(P/F, A-F). Any duplicate courses are not looked upon favorably by ad Comms.

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One can take some AP credits for science classes if they are allowed by the University. If you take introductory Biology AP credit, then one needs to take a higher level Biology courses like Genetic, Cell Biology etc. For Calculus I and Calculus II, except for certain majors like Biochemistry/Chemistry, there will be no need to take any higher level math courses. IMO, Biology and Calculus are two good candidates for AP credits.
Please check with the medical school for all pre-requisites whether they accept AP credits for each one of them. It varies with each medical school.

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I have a question about this. I’ve heard a lot of people say that med schools don’t like students to take their pre-reqs at community college or in high school. If I go traditional route, would it be best to retake those classes if I took dual credit? What do you mean by “duplicate courses”

Yes, one should try to take all science pre-requisites at 4 year institutions. Duplicate may mean grade padding by taking a course again with similar course contents. All dual credit courses are to be reported to AMCAS and they will be counted. Do not repeat any dual enrollment courses again.

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The usual sequence for Chemistry may be like this;

  1. General Chemistry I with Lab
  2. General Chemistry II with Lab
  3. Organic Chemistry I with Lab
  4. Organic Chemistry II with Lab, some times this may be optional
  5. Biochemistry I, no lab required

Which of this is equivalent to AP Chem? General Chemistry I with Lab?

Yes, General Chemistry I ( depends was there a lab component in High School).
General Chemistry covers both Chem 1 and 2, while AP Chemistry covers only Chem 1. AP Chemistry is graded more like a high school class then General Chem . 
 AP Chem is the high school version of a college class, while General Chem is the actual college class.


Thanks @grtd2010 !

Agree with your nice summary. Each one is unique and should select carefully a BSMD or regular route. Specially, location, cost and the feeling of being at home at a college are important factors, IMO.


NMFs get a better scholarship package at NJIT, IMO.

My son got into Schreyer Honors College at Penn State, anyone else get in?


@rk1235rk - I think the below addresses your question as well.

@mygrad2021 - Your D has the right idea. I have heard that most BSMD or pre-med students take some Pre-req course to Organic chemistry.

Every college is different for the level of difficulty or for their grading. So recommend that she should talk to her academic advisor once she enrolls.

However, most colleges have 100 level, 110, 120, 200 level (& higher level) etc
 courses. There could be multiple levels of “Chemistry” courses in each of these levels. Higher level courses require lower level courses are pre-reqs or require students to get a waiver (via previous college credit)

Not all intro courses are of the same level. its possible to take a slightly higher level intro course.

For example - I just checked one university and found that their organic chemistry is a 200 level course.

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Yes that has been the norm all the previous cycles, both SMED and undergrad decisions come out on their portal on the 3rd Saturday of March by 9 am EST, which happens to be the 20th this time (but hearing it may get pushed even to 27th, won’t bet on it though)

But as I had also mentioned earlier, who knows they probably decided to do separately considering the record number of applications for the undergrad and the admissions staff overwhelmed and lagging behind? So recommend checking around 15th onwards which I feel is rather early and doubt will happen. Even better, don’t bother, folks on this forum will make sure you won’t miss it :slight_smile: :wink:

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You think a week is enough for them to switch the application and consider for admissions, merit and financial aid? Out of 70k other applications through RD. It would need a buffer time of at least a month. Perhaps I didn’t get what you intended above.

Congratulations to your S on admission to Schreyer Honors!

You probably know he is eligible for Academic excellence merit scholarship of 5K per year automatically. You should also check the Penn State website to see what other scholarships he might be eligible for.

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Organic Chemistry courses are mostly 200 level courses and may require General Chemistry (I & II, 100 level course) as pre-requisites at most colleges.

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Is it ok to take credit for physics introductory courses? How much of physics is really covered in premed? Is it a required course?