Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Thank you.

Congrats to all on AMC acceptance!

@coolparent21 Thank you! Yeah, Iā€™m waiting on UMKC as well. I botched the list and couldnā€™t edit it after. It has been a pleasant surprise so far since I went 0 of 4 in interviews last year. :slight_smile:

Bio in some, Sociology/Psychology in some. Rochester and Brown are open curriculum and so, made up my own major (reflected that in my essays.)

Thank you @speedskater. Thanks for sharing.

I wanted to know from @cheer2021 since he got Stony Brook interview but on stony brook thread, people from bio major hasnā€™t received any notification yetā€¦

Would really help me, I am a junior.

I recall it was Psychology, BA or BS.

@AffByCOVID Ahā€¦couldnā€™t tell from the context. Sorry!

Did u interview for rems? I feel like u were in my group

You did great in the group interview btw . My interview was kinda meh for one of em and alr for the otehr two

Thank you and GL for interviewā€¦

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Thank you and good luck to your son. I wish we had more information about the group activity/Group interview on next Thursday. Does anyone know how these will be conducted?

Can you please share how the group interview was conducted? Were there any specific things did you prepare for? Any tips regarding the group interview will be appreciated. Thank you and good luck!

Any updates on whether all interview invites were sent out for Stony Brook? I see only one person so far was invited so does that mean I am out of the running?

we havenā€™t received either.

same here, havenā€™t heard from many and donā€™t know if itā€™s rolling.

ok, CC allows editing after you post a couple of comments. You will then be eligible to edit your own posts.

Note to Junior Students & Parents:

Understand your eagerness. But wait until all current cycle students finalize their decision. Allow them to post when the decision is made in the Results thread.

Please do not post anything except each students/parents complete stats and perspective. Donā€™t post with congratulations and follow up questions etc. The reason for that is to keep that thread to minimum pages so that you all can benefit to review and learn any tips. Can you do that in this thread, no, because it is too big and hard to trace anything here now.

Simple congratulations and feedback should be done using icons in any thread to contain the thread number of posts.


All, To keep the interview process fair and objective, please do not discuss the content of any interview here.


Ask those who are going to conduct the interview. They only will know what do they have planned for your interview. None of us on this thread will know.