Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Yes money is a motivator in plastic with less stress as compared Nuero and Cardio surgery although in later two you can make more money.

General surgery can be backup if you cannot get into integrated program and can give it a shot later.

Google search - only 10-25% female doctors in most of surgical specialties. Any idea why this is?

Work life balance

Without passion surgery is not the right field.


Are you trying to say either Male dont care for work life balance or Female donā€™t have a passion for surgery?


Surgery is more demanding than other specialties as far as work life balance is concerned. Passion may not be the right narrative here.

Just out of curiosity, is there a specially or type of specialty that tends to foster entrepreneurship? Like one that doctors are more likely to innovate in through research and/or startup?

One can do MD/PhD and work in academic medicine doing research. You may have a startup in whatever interest you while working in academics.

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Thank you for acknowledging that passion is not a variable in this situation. As far as surgery being more demanding in terms of work life balance, I agree. But also, I believe that there is a large perception surrounding a womanā€™s role in the household being much greater, which may result in lesser acceptance in surgical specialties. This may not just apply to medicine, but across the board of every field, because the common perception is that between a couple, a woman has more responsibility at home. So for a job, a male may be offered the same position rather than a woman.


Donā€™t forget the reproductive phase for women that plays a bigger role in career decision too. A couple can take care of other household chores with external help. Grandparents help can be a big factor to navigate those support needs while parents focus on career to build.


Yes work life balance is the main reason and stats show women do not apply into surgical residencies as male do. This may change over time.

Also during rotations lot of male students move out of the idea of surgery that is why I mentioned you need to have passion to be persistent.

Prostheses and prosthetic implants. Thereā€™s so much one can do to make these more lifelike with feeling and nerve fibers. If you love robotics and medicine, this is a super cool area.

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The point raised here is about the perceived bias against woman, not self selection by woman not to pursue such opportunities.


Yes to your point I agree that is a issue with perception which will change with time

Hey, did anyone figure out the issue with the ā€œsearchā€ button not showing ā€œall resultsā€ but only the first few even after the MORE button is pressed?

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It appears it limits it to 50 posts only for your keyword search, even though there may be many more mentions in the forum.

@REMSHOPEFUL123 @mom2boys1999, Iā€™m so sorry about REMS!
Iā€™m an alternate hanging on to chances that are probably slim to none. I donā€™t know how it works or what the stats were from the last cycles.

@Vicky2019 I saw your post when Iā€™d searched for the Whipple Scholarship at UofR. It says $25,000 and doesnā€™t say if it is per year or just that for all four years. Iā€™ll call on Monday anyways. If you know, please let me know.


Grandparents help is ORM thing, but I already told my DS is not to expect full babysitting duties like my parents did :slight_smile:

From UOR website
Merit Scholarships (Merit-based aid)
The University of Rochester awards merit-based scholarships to first-year and transfer students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and potential, regardless of financial circumstances.

  • Merit scholarship amounts range from $2,000 per year to full tuition.
  • All admitted undergraduate applicants to the College are considered for merit scholarships.
  • Merit scholarships are awarded to students during the admission process and renewed annually if satisfactory academic performance and full-time status are maintained.
  • Students are eligible to receive only one scholarship.
    So it may be renewable each year, IMO.

@grtd2010 Thank you! Yeah, it is not very clear. :slight_smile:

Noticed someone raising the questions on the worth of PLME/Brown. Below is a link to the annual QS World rankings released a week or so ago. Probably throws some light on why Brown is highly regarded (think in top 100) around the world. They use 4 different metrics that one can look at more closely (need to click the tab or pull down menu to reveal the rankings categories)

Timeshigher is another widely followed site one can refer to. They follow another set of metrics (wall street journal partners with them for their recently started US college rankings)

MIT is also rated even though they donā€™t have medical school but involved in a lot of cutting edge research directly or indirectly related.

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