Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

yes, it was joke. JD and MBA may appeal to some residency programs if you articulate well but same may not like it. What happens after a year of residency you decided to ditch the residency and became a lawyer? Residency program will take a hit. I know one MD/MBA who quit residency after first year since got great offer.

Ohh got it. So you’re saying it can backfire?

it can, but don’t do based on it. You can find programs which are receptive. Ask the schools that have MD/JD or DO/JD for the match results.

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It was an obvious sarcasm. There is no need to verify from multiple sources as per super moderator “skieurope”.


P’sketti and spumoni were his faves when he was little and we lived in Washington :joy::joy:

Nowadays we celebrate with sushi. It’s funny to see a man staring at me instead of the kid who wants to eat inside the train car :pleading_face:

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@SpeedSkater This was my notficiation so i think its yearly it says

Congratulations! The University of Rochester’s scholarship committee has selected you as a worthy candidate for a scholarship. Your Rochester scholarship is an investment in you and in your future. The yearly renewal of this scholarship is based on your continued academic success at Rochester—a success we’re confident you’ll achieve.

You have received the Whipple Science and Research Scholarship -$

This scholarship is named after George Hoyt Whipple, Professor of Pathology and Dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Rochester in 1921.Whipple was a successful scientist and one of three researchers awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1934 for his work on regeneration of blood and the treatment of anemia. This scholarship is a reward for your hardwork in high school and a statement of our trust in your continued success.



Haven’t been following the thread closely but just spotted yours. Yes in a particular SMED batch I happen to know closely, a bunch of students who hang around closely and open to share their details with one another, scored in the 95-100% ile ranges (517 to >= 523). Their average was around 520 (with rounding). I am not going to reveal how many kids in this close knit bunch, but it is a decent sized sub set within the SMED program.

They all finished Orgo II in spring semester of sophomore year, following which had mandatory heavy duty course in summer 1 (6 wks) and some of them stayed back for summer 2 too for research pursuits. So you can imagine how much time they had to prepare full fledged for the exam given between summer and before junior year started. Some barely had enough time to do only 3 full length practice session on their own. Thanks to the undergrad rigor coupled with how talented these kids are, all of them scored well past the program requirements (512 I believe). None of them decided to get out of the program and try outside even though they had the option to do so.

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  1. you dont need to be so downplaying, haha. 2. Its an acceptance without an MCAT and it gives students more time to focus on other passions they may have sacrificed if they had to prepare rigoruously for an mCAT or worry bout all of the med school intervies.

It is not a truth but a myth. One can prepare for MCAT while taking pre-med classes using prep-books. One can take practice tests during winter break.
One can pursue most medical related ECs, research and others passions (including leadership positions in clubs) while doing regular UG work. Do not buy your narrative.

So it is 25k/year for Whipple Science and Research Scholarship based on your academic performance. Congratulations.

Sorry to be blunt, that’s total garbage. if you go to any good UG (except famed BU) and take all the required courses and did well, you are done with 90% of the prep. 10% is to get into test mode and practice. Most students prepare 6 months before the exam and it takes may be 1 hr per day during week days and few hours over the weekend. As per ECs, you can spend 5-10 hrs per week over 3years and full time during 2 summers you will have close to 2000 hrs. I know most ORM kids don’t need to do part-time jobs to pay for college, so all this sacrifice talk is non-sense.

Unlike others I don’t claim my S got 100th percentile with no prep, but at the same time I can say he didn’t sacrifice anything and he had ton of fun at Vandy with 2 paid gigs in other countries and participated in multi ethnic cultural programs while working on first author level research.

Here is MCAT requirement for BU SMED from their website is around 510.

  • Seven-year medical students entering the program, although admitted to the School of Medicine, are required to take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) no later than January of the third year in the program. Students must achieve a combined score at or above the 80th percentile on the four numerically scored sections of the MCAT. The results of the MCAT are considered by the Promotions Committee when it makes the final decision as to whether to promote a student to the medical curriculum.


DO a seats are increasing to meet the shortage of doctors.

Not to discount shortages in some specialities but the major one is that US has the lowest percent of primary care doctors. With so many specialist around and not many good PCP.

At the moment DO match primary care more and that can change with time.

The question is why is DO class size bigger than MD? Is it because most are private schools and no need to do worry about research?

Congrats !! No call for us, looks like we did not make it to the final list. My S had applied through ACPHS also

Getting a JD helps for law purposes if your interested in becoming a malpractice attorney. However, even then a DO is not necessary. Residencies only care about your test scores, number of publications, and letters of recc (along with a few other stuff).

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There is a big difference between 95 and 100th percentiles. Look at how many score >=524 (100th percentile)

Yes private can be a factor and it makes sense the quality of training for DO will be comprised with class size and research exposure and affect their matching

Did your DD had acceptance from other places also?

She called so late in the day. There may be still some calls to make tomorrow, hopefully.