Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Congratulations @REMSHOPEFUL123. This is really a good offer. With this offer, will you consider UofR seriously for your undergrad then? or are u still considering other BSMD’s?

What’s the dollar amount? Most mid tier private schools offer around $25K scholarships to good students to poach them from in-state public universities.

You are right that some colleges offer scholarships of $25K per year to poach students.

I distinctly remember @REMSHOPEFUL123 mentioning that she/he/they was so anxious about REMS bsmd because she/he/they had only applied to one bsmd this year. She/he/they obviously likes UofR so wanted to know if they would consider it for UG as well. I was also concerned about her/him a little (using my motherly instinct and worry)

Obviously in-state UG would be much cheaper for her/him/them however some students don’t apply to their instate UG at all so was not sure…

It is 25k/year for Whipple Science and Research Scholarship based on your academic performance at UOR.

Do you know its “she” or “he” for sure ?

@grtd2010 - Thanks -Good point. I diligently went and corrected the pronouns :slightly_smiling_face:

… Not having to take the MCAT gives you time to pursue other things more extensively…

Thanks! I think it is a personal choice (student/ child’s). So, I would leave it to my kids to make a choice after discussing family finances. Off course, with the well known grade deflation reputation of MIT and some other T5s she was accepted to my DD chose a BS/MD route.
You can PM me if you need more specific information.



Congrats on clearing the hurdle :sunglasses:

Hope this video may helps

Video from a candidate who really wanted to help. Although this is a BS/MD resume

@Lil_Shortay - My nephew got into MIT 4 years back but instead joined another T10 undergrad and just now joined a T15 medical school.

My friend’s daughter (pursuing pre-med) also got offer of admission from MIT but joined another T5 college instead. However, these two didn’t apply to BSMD.

This doesn’t mean that students from MIT won’t get into a good SOM. But, I am just trying to share with you what majority/good number of the students end up choosing if they have medical school in mind.

It depends on the kid ultimately


True, that is a reason why some students would choose UofR REMS over other similar BSMDs

Things have changed now. All DOs and MDs compete for the same residency seats- all are on the same playing field unlike the previous years.

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Step 1 is P/F and Step 2 CS is cancelled

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Like what? So what about Step 1 and Step 2 in medical school. Seems like you are not open to ideas.

But main Step 2 is still has score and consensus on SDN is Step 2 score will be used to differentiate candidates.

Technically true, but there is still lot of bias against DOs and clearly visible in match data.

Best is to say “they”, foreign to most of us.

Yeah, agree with that. Although the match results after 2-3 years we will know what the level of competition is.