Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I will send you a DM later tonight.

@confident2021 wrote: My daughter is a senior hoping to get in a BSMD program. Her SAT score is 1500, waiting on ACT scores. GPA 3.9. Has excellent extracurricular activities. Have reco from a dean of med school. What are her chances of getting in. Also I need help with essays. Thanks


@confident2021 Here is another free (no fees/charges) response (This is a public forum).
If your D is an ORM (read Asians), her stats are towards the lower end of ORM applicants in bsmd programs. A letter from medical school dean may be useful for that particular medical school only. The whole bsmd process is very unpredictable and no one can really tell you her chances of getting in. Just let her apply broadly and pray that she gets at least ONE interview.

Is 7 year MD acceptance a binding program? If so, what are the penalties?

It depends on the program and it would be part of the contract one signs.

Do you have the most up to date list of 7 year MD programs which only accepts Sophomore only?

Most EAPs ( Early Access Programs which take Sophomores ) will be 8 years not 7 years. For most 7- year programs, you have to apply as a high school senior (a BSMD candidate) including many listed by @Vicky2019 in her post.

FYI, NMF/NMS have been offered Presidential scholarship (25k) by BU in past.

Regarding my post #1080 and Clarifying my son’s Temple question about reporting de classes in case someone else has a similar issue:

  1. It has nothing to do with common or coalition applications. This was a college specific question. Most colleges’ FAQ discusses how to input DE. Temple’s doesn’t.
  2. Temple’s SSAR doesn’t have options that would allow him to designate that the courses were taken at a college. They don’t have DE as an option.
  3. His Adcom responded and said that he is to include the name of the college as part of the course name. For example: Introduction to Chemistry/college name (which I am not listing to avoid doxxing)
  4. He is to code them as AP in the drop down besides class name since at his high school they are worth the same GPA wise.
  5. For the classes in which he receives a full credit, he is to mark them as a full year.

Parts 3, 4, and 5 are unique to Temple as this definitely isn’t the way any other school with a SSAR/SRAR has it set up.

Hope this helps other applicants. Like I said, this is a separate rather unique issue as he was able to navigate the SSAR for UF and Penn easily- they had options to designate dual enrollment, as does common and coalition portals.

Any one have any idea about U Cinci BSMD connections, their application is not open and admissions is not replying to the emails. I am afraid if they are going to cancel as well

It needs UG application through CommonApp which is due Dec 1st and second application on their portal for connections which is normally open in September per their website. Its not open yet this year. You may want to check back periodically.

And they claim OOS intake is 20-50% each year. Do anyone know what is their total intake for the program? Wondering if its worth applying there as OOS.

@Vicky2019 Thank you so much for your inputs. I addressed the question to @NoviceDad since this is my first time on this forum and just did not know how to start. I agree that it is a well rounded approach that one needs to take. Since my son is a product of a BSMD program that is what we have learnt over time.

Thank you @grtd2010. Yes my daughter is ORM. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Thank you @grtd2010 .

I am reading up to page 11, I saw someone put up a list of Early Acceptance (not paying attention who did it) . Thank you @Vicky2019 . I will go back to reread again. You all provide a lots of information. I must read over & over again to extract the information from this thread and previous 2 years .

Wishing You All Have A Good Day.

opinion on a few short poems in the college essay?

If you apply for Rutgers BS/MD 7 year program , do you need to apply for Rutgers Undergraduate with public health major separately ? Will that need to be a separate application

Here is the link which details the application process for Rutgers/NJMS:

Note there is a specific application link to the BA/MD program.

Her ACT score came in. She got a 36 so I guess that is what we will submit.

@confident2021 - Congratulations!


Does anyone know Penn state- Thomas Jefferson SMKC essays? I can not find them on common app

They are on the Penn State common app for me

I did not see anything specific to BS/MD.

You need to select PreMedical Medical or Accelerated PreMedical Medical as your major.