Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Just a few things to ponder…

  1. My son is doing his Cardiology from mid tier, my nephew is doing Interventional Cardiology from IVY. My son gets to do many more procedures in his first year than my nephew in his first year at IC. So my son gets more hands on experience in doing procedures and will have more experienced skilled set of hands. So the brand name really does not matter.
  2. We all being healthcare professionals have never once looked for or asked for any doctors graduating University when we go for our check ups and procedures. The method we follow is through word of mouth reference and follow it up with reviews.
  3. In the long run making money evens out, does not matter from where you did your med school/residency/fellowship.
  4. On the other hand a good friend’s son did undergrad at Yale and Masters at Princeton and got a high paying job, but got burnt out within a couple of years and had to quit working in early thirties due to nervous breakdown and is now working as a underwriter with a mortgage company.

Think I am having a nervous breakdown too!!

Which med to take???

Depends on which Ivy not all programs are equal.

Most procedures are well handled all over but to get trained in some specialties the complex cases are only in large setup which are associated with ranked programs. Ivy and medical rankings are different.

It seems if there is no systematic way of justifying one over other, it boils down to personal choice and finances. Some will take IVY and others RPI/Albany or SBU. Both parents and kids may have opposite views but eventually they will converge and either parents will agree with kid or kid with parents.

The beauty is in the eyes of beholder. It is all in individual perception of the value.


If you as a student clear about medicine as your career choice, go with OU MHSP.

OU and SLU from UG or MD experiences similar but OU is guaranteed and provides a good college town and nice school and program and very flexible. National Merit and MHSP Program offices folks are very nice and good.
Rice UG provides a different experience and excellent school both for Pre-Med or other career choices.

What is your state of residence, Is it TX or non-Tx?

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Put other way- A thing is worth only what it could be sold for. Cricket sells in India, Football in US and so on. Think film stars sell most places and teacher never make much.

My D was born in France and we lived for 4 years. The salary difference between teacher or doc or engg is minimal. Doc visit is $15 ( less than copay here) and quality is good.

Education ( PhD or Med school), medical etc. is free. French claim they have top medical and engineering schools.

They enjoy dinner and talking ( they can bore u to death by boasting how great they are or were!!) and take 3 hours to finish dinner.

Stores close in afternoon and weekends for family time.

Average age in France 85, US 75, India 65.

French created socially equality in society where one profession is not praised over other. People enjoy life and live a stress free life.

I can go on and on…


Does your D plan to make use of French citizenship( by birth) ? You all can retire in France.

We are seeing it for a while now… :innocent:


Do any one know if state of residency plays any role during Medical Residency Application Cycle? We all know for MD application cycle it is a critical and plays a role.

Ahha- You have to be born and live 5 yrs to be French citizen ( think due to African migration- remember they ruled Africa unlike Brits who fooled India and others!). If D goes back and spends 1-2yr, she can become. I will perhaps be in Himalayas trying to find meaning of life if it exists in footstep of my dad by then!!!

Rather then do MD, you gave me an idea- Go to France, get citizenship and free MD!! Think their system is similar to India/Brit where MBBS after high school - not sure though. Americans always want extra headache- 110 vs 220 or Left Drive vs. Right ( Europe is same except Brit) or 4 more years UG before MD …

Getting a free MD in France, go for it.

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USA has many states. While MA has a high cost of living compared to some states, the cost of living is not as high as other states, especially CA.

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Yes, NJ, NY and CA are right there with Boston.


Now that many decisions are out and students and parents are trying to figure out where to join and the finances, can we talk about taking student loans vs paying it out of pocket ? pros and cons…
Since these BS/MD programs tend to cost high - is it wise to pay from the pocket (without touching the 401k) or take the loans?

First rule: Don’t break your retirement nest for kids education. It is their education, their loans and their income.


any one heard from RPI/AMC? after the interview?

One may not get 80k/year COA loan for medical school or even for UG. May need parental help in some form. Medical schools still need family contribution towards medical education, even if S/D is considered independent.

So do they give full rides in med schools??

Does it depend on UG school or state residency etc.???

NYU SOM gives free tuition to all for 4 years. A very high bar to get in.