Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Why?? Is med school free or easy admission?

So Rice or UT followed by med is better option ( I can get instate after a year- my wife family lives) than SBU free UG + Med school cost guaranteed or Columbia and then look for MD? Still not clear why?

Check tuition rates of medical school in TX, they are very low and they prefer in-state residents for an admission. If you want your whole family can move near your son and you wife will be happy too.

Texas has some
Great medical schools and the tuition is among the lowest for in-state.

You need to do some research on your own before asking questions :slight_smile:


So it seems

  1. it’s difficult to apply out from 7 year programs.
  2. with most 8 year programs you will lose the guaranteed spot
  3. other program where one can apply out, need to have excellent application to get to T20 med school, else there is no point in going through grueling application process yet one more time to land in similar program that one is in already.

While some are thinking of applying out to T10/T20 med schools after taking available BSMD, that will quickly fadeaway as you progress through. There are always exceptions, but for most it will.

So if folks are more interested in ranked med schools and kid is capable (only that kid and parents would know that
and should be able to do risk/reward based on the capabilities), it’s better to take the route @srk2017 and his DS took- go to good and cost effective UG and knock off the T10 med school, working on it from day1. Everyone else who choose BSMD, go with mindset to like your program as you may more likely struck there next 7/8 years. There are always kids who are successful in any route, but that’s for the kids who are standout.

For us decision was easy- as we had a specific target and once we reached it no debate any more. My kid and us understand our capability and costs associated and took a clear path forward. DD plans to stay with Upstate program, no apply outs, no MCAT, no IVY debate :wink:.


Haha. Many times I have doubt on myself too- Think wrongly admitted!!!

Son will be gone from Tx.

So seriously is Rice or UT worth considering? Never knew. As I said all my learning about MD is from this group. Will do research now to see overall cost.

At the risk of having you explore even more options with just a few weeks left to decide:

You don’t need to go to Rice or UT to be resident of Texas. Your DD can take JHU full ride and invest the money you’d have otherwise spent in Rice/UT in real estate in her name. She then becomes Texas resident and you can have her apply to TX schools with JHU prestige and TX residency advantage. Best of two worlds (from the many worlds you seem to be considering) :wink:

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So what if you take a gap year after top UG and move to Tx and become in state and then apply or parents move while UG in 3rd year. Actually, we were planning to move to Austin or CA after D starts college ( my whole family in bay area). Think she will be in-state either places as dependent on taxes.

There may be a catch, one may have to show that they have lived in TX for last 12 months. May be a gap year in TX.

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Yup, either of those would work too. Being TX resident helps more with TX MD admissions than being CA residents for CA MD admissions.

@compengineer1 : I would trust @grtd2010 more than myself in these matters. You should check if TX residency requires the student rather than parents to have lived in TX for 12 months for student’s TX residency.

That I know atleast for UG not sure at graduate. Tx residency requires one parent ( even not 2) to be resident for 12 months or property or business etc. in Texas. I researched when son decided on UT.

I didnt think about D until now and this discussion. Think it gives me some ideas to confuse myself more!!!

@compengineer1 Instead of 4 years from now, you should prepone your Himalayan relocation now to avoid any confusion. Kidding aside.

  1. If D interested JHU Free ride. If no, fine.
  2. If D interested in SBU BS/MD. If no, fine
  3. If D interested Columbia only. Just let her join.
  4. If relocating your job ad residence to TX is easy, just relocate in the next year or two.
  5. If D still interested in MD, let her apply 3-4 years as TX resident to both TX and Other MD schools.
  6. DONT EVER think about CA if your D is still interested in MD. Even for you, during later years of life CA is not the right place when income going to come less (though all your family is there and that is the only reason if at all)
  7. There are always exceptional students (like srk2017 S). Still I don’t want to assume just because of 3.9+ GPA and 520+ MCAT any one can get in to any MD school, leave alone T20.
  8. TX state mandates 90% IS for MD. Also with state funding TX has the lowest fees including private school like Baylor. Since you have IBM Austin, it is definitely a serious consideration for relocation.
  9. Last but not least, don’t assume MD getting a free or low cost is practically nil, especially for Merit aid. Unless the students has done some outstanding and still going to be handful. MD applicants pool is so broad and so unique with students with lot of gap years with all kind of accomplishments etc., Very few give free ride NYU, Kaiser, UCLA has 30+ and T20 trying to attract within those accepted applicants. This is how to approach. Be prepared to pay full and have funds available for $300k. If you get any discount, be happy.

@GoldenRock - That was ace!

Thanks folks- I am enlightend today!!

Now JHU also looks attractive!!!

I am going to ask my dad to do puja for May 6 for all the best wishes for all wonderful kids and 10% here who are quiet.

Good night for today !

@GoldenRock organized the steps for you

finally you can relax now and if your daughter takes full ride then you can be retire in Florida instead of Himalayas.

good luck !!

Yes, DC is in CA tax return now. If at all DC takes a gap year at Stony Brook, works there for a year, establishes NY resident status, gets in-state tuition at Stony Brook’s MD program, then applying to Residency at CA
What will be DC’s chances to get in to CA residency? That’s the case I was talking about. Maybe I didn’t put it clearly before. Please advise.

That is the exact question I asked the experts. See the response.

Slight disagreement on 7, 3.9+ GPA , 520+ MCAT with decent ECs and essays should get you into medical school.

on updated #7
will it matter whether the applicant received a pre-med degree from T20 vs Top 50 universities vs state universities or small private universities (ranking 100+)?
DC is under the impression that undergrad stamp matters for getting into MD school.
I would like to validate this assumption or theory(or hypothesis). Please advise.

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Does FAU allows to apply out without loosing slot in BSMD program?