Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

They don’t track UG admissions but I am saying schools look for certain profiles.

I would advise caution @SeekingAdvice123 One needs keen interest, right support system, opportunities and also some luck to be able to build up their profile over their 4 years in UG and be accepted into a T10 or T5 medical school. Student can contribute interest, UG can provide support but opportunities and luck are not as predictable. I wouldn’t recommend my kid to walk away from REMS for higher ranked UG for potentially getting into a medical school ranked better. Like @srk2017 recommended, you can always apply out during UG part of REMS.


@srk2017 - what do you mean by Med school tracking students’ UG admissions?

I meant outcomes only not schools keeping track. My S pretty much got same admissions as UG. I see the same trend with other students. In essence if you figured out how to get into Harvard/Stanford for UG you have high chances to repeat same for medical school, provided you stay focused and did those unique things that got you in for UG.

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Most TX schools are in mid to high 20K where as OOS tuition for most med schools in rest of US is in High 50K to high 60K and some are even in 70-80K range.

You can refer to this for most med school tuitions- medical-school-tuition

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Union/AMC med, Mount Sinai Residen, Yale Fellow recent Endo- Terrible. I wonder whats the point of all this big names attached!!!

I have to agree with you. At state schools the student body is more of in-state and in-region.

Per the Upstate match results from 2014-2018: 19-28% matched within their hospital and affiliated hospitals. Anywhere from 41-58% are matched within NY state during that same period. Year to year there are variations with in that range. In 2016 58% matched within NYS.

Here are the Upstate match numbers I referred in previous post.

This might have been clarified by someone on this thread, but wondering about job location after residency, do you have to apply for jobs in the same state where you did your residency? There is no option to move from one state to another after the board certification?

I recall someone posted the BSMD tier list in this thread a while ago. Sorry I couldn’t find that posting, no luck! Can someone please repost here? Thank you!

You can work in any state, but have to go thru licensing process. Finding jobs locally is somewhat easier thru connections established.

So each state has their own licensing process? Is that like another exam?

@coolparent21 - There is NO requirement or obligation for one to practice in the same state as where one did his/her residency training. If one decides to practice in a different state than one trained in (or if simply moving one’s residence to another state than where one practiced), they simply have to apply for a medical license in that state (not difficult).


Some interesting discussion about portal astrology is going on for Brown and Harvard. Funny to see some of the predictions based on portal messages, buttons appear/disappear things going on! LOL

Thank you, people make it sound like a lot of paperwork, admin related things you have to take care to do that.
@srk2017 hopefully they will still have high school connections to come back after 7-8 years.

Talking about connections established during residency :slight_smile:

@alwayshappy25 - no exam. Just Credentialing. Answering questions - previous felonies, malpractice, disabilities, suspended or punished by hospital, etc. education, residency/fellowship training. Previous licenses in what states. DEA license. Nothing complicated.


$53,800/yr for tuition + extra for books + trips + activities/competitions ~$60K/yr total - for Harker, we are in that boat from last 2 years for my younger one. The acceptance rate is still <10% at that cost :slight_smile:

You all have access to easy money :slight_smile:

With that kind of money, you want NJ tax payer’s money to subsidize your DC education at Rutgers/NJMS or TCNJ/NJMS BSMD !!! . Spend your own money if you can spend $120k in two years on private high school in CA. Why do you want NJ’s public money ? There are other needy folks who can use that money at Rutgers-Newark, NJ. Go to Ivies and spend your money there, please.
Hope you got into an Ivy today and enjoy UG at an Ivy.

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