Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Impressive going to MD program with bachelor and MBA

But I will advise him he should have focused in med EC for better speciality match after MD

Unless he is planning to go in non clinical or non med research area after MD

Our public HS has better results in science competitions in last 10 years :slight_smile: My niece went to TJHSST 10+ yrs back and did BSMD after that.


I think he should do what he likes and is best for him.


No offense but TJ is ranked #1:

Yes i agree it is one choice

What I know from my elder one is that if not planning residency and want a job after MD in consulting you need to be with Harvard and other top school MD MBA
Else you come back to do residency

big pharma are more MD PHDā€™s

Pitt is good for MD but GW is not good for MBA
And a smart kid from top school may have not taken right decision. This forum is for parents to have transparency so that they can advise their high school kids. Each parents needs to read the contractual obligations of BS MD program before committing as kids are not mature.

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He is going have an MD from a top SOM. Donā€™t see a point of your argument. Relax.

I am not sure of his plans. All I said was ā€œ Doing MBA might be an optionā€.

BTW MD/MBA is great combo to climb the leadership ladder in Clinical medicine

Case Western is his first choice. We are going to visit, he will consider other options only if he did not like Case Western.

I know you would come back with that, thatā€™s why mentioned our lowly ranked school did better in science competitions in last 10 years :slight_smile:


All the very best to all hard working kids!

Hey folks - Did I miss some fun or new learnings!!

Isnā€™t life a learning process till it ends!!

A maid servant can teach you more about simple life full of laughters and fun than perhaps others!

At times, just relax and chill out!!!

With Ivy day results out yesterday, now we have a decision to make between
ā€“ Upenn
ā€“ Cornell
ā€“ Penn state PMM/SKMC

Based on what Iā€™ve heard so far in this forum, Cornell is less appealing (grade deflated, remote location to our likingā€¦)

So, the top choices seem to be Upenn and Penn state PMM/SKMC at this point. Any thoughts on pros and cons between the two? We are out of state for bothā€¦

BTW, here is an interesting stat I found on Upenn website. It is not clear to me the 60% of admitted students taking 1-2 gap years is whether those getting in to Upenn medical school or any medical school with UG degree from Upenn. Does it sound right ?

Sorry - some how link did not come through

UPenn and Penn, only only letter difference :stuck_out_tongue:

I always say if kid went thru rigorous HS and wasnā€™t too stressed go with UPenn, but any doubts about rigor or stress go with BSMD. Only you and your kid know and stats are simply for reference not guiding principle. If you succeed you are 100 in majority otherwise in minority.

If you are looking at UPenn medical admitted data thatā€™s for their income class not UPenn UG. See if they have a premed office and if they publish data or not. Schools like WashU and Vandy publish. You can always reach out to them.


Hello all, as decision day approaches I am struggling to decide between two programs: Temple Health Scholar Program vs Saint Louis Med Scholars Program. I already discussed cost with my family and after a scholarship from SLU both are pretty much equal cost wise. I would greatly appreciate any advice and guidance on which program would be a better option.

@ATX1826 - Every year bright kids who got into T10 schools including MIT, Duke, JHU, Northwestern, Harvard etcā€¦ join PSU/SKMC instead.

PMM program requires 3.5 GPA and MCAT 508. There are no other requirements such as mandatory summer term/interview/volunteering/shadowing/research etc. Penn State is a T25 Public university. SKMC is a mid-tier medical school.
In addition you could potentially (with AP credits) complete PMM major requirement in little more than 2 years and devote the 3rd to research/study abroad/double major and still be able to save 1 whole year when you join the medical school (7yrs program)!

UG is relatively easy compared to Upenn pre-med and prep for medical school. Students would be refreshed before their medical school and focus on competitive residency etcā€¦you can complete UG + SOM in 420-470K

With UPenn, you are only guaranteed to study UG in IVY but there is no guarantee on the type of medical school (with/without gap years) or even on a med school! With this option UG+ SOM will be approx. 740K

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How about UPENN vs. Columbia? And Princeton???

@GoldenRetriever6 - I suggest going with Temple Health Scholar Program.

Other factors to consider are location, good fit, what you like etcā€¦


@ATX1826 what are you all leaning towards?
Can make a sound argument for either PSU/SKMC or UPenn
I went through PSU/SKMC and my sibling went through Penn undergrad (not pre-med but had many friends who were pre-med) so familiar with both

The key benefit with the BS/MD obviously is relatively low stress in the undergraduate portion which is genuinely liberating. PSU is a reputable, large state school so I think the college experience is not lacking either. SKMC is a solid mid-tier med school (in a great location) and strong in specialties such as ophtho and ortho but not a ā€˜topā€™ medical school. It keeps most doors open, but one does need to be a top student to match into the top residencies in competitve specialties. Could certainly do better via the traditional route, but could also do worse.

UPenn would be the higher risk/potentially higher reward option. The undergraduate feel is way different from PSU (felt like a different world whenever I visited).
The smart, hardworking kids do well whereas the ones who arenā€™t as focused tend to falter. You get the full range of outcomes (among my brotherā€™s friends, he knew several going to T20 med schools, some who went to mid-tier, and some who werenā€™t successful). They all enjoyed their undergraduate experience but there was some component of lingering stress in the background in prepping for med school admission. Hard to know without knowing your particular circumstances which outcome is likely, which is why eliminating that uncertainty with a BS/MD is appealing.


@GoodWishes123 ā€“ Congratulations on acceptance to UIC GPPA

@gracewins - Congratulations on acceptance to BU SMED, UIC GPPA, UMKC

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hoping for some advice please:

rejected from PLME but accepted Brown UG. also Columbia and UPENN and Tufts (other options Vandy, NWestern, Emory)

which would be best for pre-med. Have fin aid covered everywhere so concerned with quality of pre-med and placement into T20 Med School without gap years. THANKS!