Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Thanks @rk2017

@Best2021 - you can respond to my DM.

Congratulations. Did any of you feel like you could have answered a question better during NJMS interview ? or the NJMS faculty adding more information to your answer ?

I think because we have zero family out there and while he has many, many times in his life been the new kid in an unknown area, I definitely think that is playing into it. We have never been on that side of the states except for PNW visits to in laws.

I personally think Stanford would be amazing for him, but itā€™s getting him some place he wants to be and feels excited to be at.

My Dā€™s NJMS interviewer was very supportive and calm. With some medical health care/ethics related questions - my D would answer to the best of her knowledge but sometimes also added that thatā€™s all she knows about it and he would add - you are not supposed to know it all, you are just 17. Though he kept commenting in between that he is very impressed by her academics.

My overall impression after all the interviews D attended is that - they donā€™t expect you to know everything about the medical field. They want to see your passion, your attitude, your communication skills and your thought process (more than your knowledge about medical field itself).


I definitely feel I could have answered the infamous ā€œ7 year vs. traditional routeā€ question better, but I made a strong connection with the interviewer and Iā€™m overall very happy with how the interview went. I think it was one of my strongest interviews till date.

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For Medicine as end goal.

Yes CalTech is a very small size school and exposure will be different than JHU.

My Dā€™s NJMS interviewer had already made her mind up about D prior to the interview and it showed. She was cold and angry and focused around minor details in her application. She felt that kids who were parents of a physician should not be physicians. Very unfair interview.

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i would also add oneā€™s maturity as a quality one may look for in a BSMD applicant, which is usually a quality difficult to determine on an application, but more likely to come through in a face-to-face conversation.

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what would be the rationale of why kids of parents who are physicians should not be physicians? while it would be ok for an interviewer to ask about details on an application, why would the interviewer be angry or hostile? that certainly seems very unfair. i havenā€™t heard it much during BSMD interviews, but iā€™ve known interviews for medical school and residency where the applicant is intentionally put in an uncomfortable position (either an aggressive question or a seemingly inappropriate/controversial question) with the rationale of trying to see how one reacts or handles oneself under a very stressful situation. but as i mentioned, i havenā€™t heard of this line of questioning in a BSMD interview (at least during the 2019 and 2021 application cycles). sorry for what your D went through.

Yes it made no sense to me either as the interviewer was a physician herself. Was she implying that her kids should not be physicians?? Seemed crazy to me but everything happens for a reason and ultimately if we were not meant to end up at NJMS then so be it. Praying for something else to work out.

Accepted to NJIT/NJMS!!! Got call yesterday


Will it possible to share the name of person?

Please DM me and I will reply.

Congrats to everyone with a NJMS acceptance!!


(But whatā€™s a mom gotta do to get GW to call her kid?!! At this point I feel like I am about to do whatever it is that Meatloaf wouldnā€™t. J/k. Kinda)

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Understand it hurt you a lot. Though there is a saying ā€œDonā€™t judge the book by coverā€, this lesson also we learn in life ā€œPerception is realityā€, it happens all the time. Something better will work out. It happened to my D also and donā€™t want to repeat that. The interview took just 9 minutes only, some thing triggered her and she wrapped and rejected.

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Wait till Ivy day. Tell your C, many of us just packed a suitcase and came 20,000 miles from familiar place 30-40 years back. Still not convinced tell your C, call or drop to my place which is only 30 minutes drive from Stanford when s/he feels homesick if plans to attend! 4 years will pass like a day.


@doctorpenguin Sorry to hear. Please talk to your DC and let them know not to lose hope. There are plenty of opportunities and though this hurts in the short term, All will work out. Just keep working hard.
I have always tried to look at my DCā€™s application and try to find what was missing and come up with a bunch of things. However, i have seen many who have not had the same scores/ECā€™s but got in. So hard to tell. The one thing i came away with is, I believe they look for Maturity than anything else at the interview level and how they decipher is based on their experience i guess. Everything is just a guess work after each of our children have done their best.

This Cycle seems to be very challenging and interesting.

Hang in there @mom2boys1999 - you have all our good wishes. GW call will arrive soon !

My NJMS interview was only 25 minutes. Interviewer asked 3 basic questions and then I asked 3 questions to her about NJMS. We did connect together decently since two of my ECs were directly related to her specialty.

I think in my opinion folks should not lose hope about NJMS yet, may be NJIT will call today afternoon as well- if not other feeder schools like TCNJ havenā€™t responded yet. I know when my son had his interview, they said TCNJ interviews will go till Jan end whereas NJIT was done before first week of Jan. so decisions might be still out for TCNJ!

Also, we were in the same boat he received so many rejections from UPitt, CASE, Penn state, Rochester and we even thought we were rejected from FAU as well because we didnā€™t get the interview call until late and in the end got acceptance @NJMS , Upstate and FAU. Feels like he got rejected from toptier BSMDs but again hard to tell what each college is looking for.

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