Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

@AffByCOVID - I highly recommend that you read @dblazer post on “important factors for residency match”. You will find it most informative -

Hi! I have been fortunate enough to be accepted into both RPI/AMC and Stony Brook’s Scholar for Medicine program. I have to decide by April 15th…any suggestions or comments? Thank you so much!


@bsmdbuff - Congratulations. Both are good programs. However, I would recommend Stony Brook since I feel Stony Brook Medical is better. Stony Brook Honors also is solid for UG. Stony Brook is a public university, so costs less as well


I really do not care if you withdraw or not. However, making fun of someone is wrong. One thing you have to keep before entering in this field. It is a long path and KARMA will come back fast.

Kids from DC’s class kept comparing Stony Brook Primary Care ranking, which is 93-123, same as NJMS and probably several other BSMD medical schools too.
Any idea where this ranking is coming from? Does it really matter?

are you agree with behavior from others who had sent private messages to @InspireTruth and asking to withdraw? Why that kind of desperation from others? Why would they think their admission is hinged on @InspireTruth withdrawal when plenty of qualified out there for 1 seat?

I can live with someone who makes mass public appeal after majority of decisions are out.


Most people go by Research ranking more than primary care. The way I do my rankings is by looking at match lists. For instance, NJMS has a fairly high DOPEN match %. I am not sure about SBU

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Folks again talking to JHU or Duke or CMU UG who let their dream schools go for $$$, a part always remains unhappy inside them that $$$ ruled.

So follow your dreams.

My advice is go for bs mds and if they are solid programs go for it especially if u can apply out and its financially stable. You are not limiting your potential by getting into med school at 17

Thank you, I agree

Off 150 Stony Brook MD students 149 were matched this year. Heard numbers are pretty consistent last 5 years. how this translates to the rankings or even short listings? Any idea?

Look at where they are matching and what specialties. However look at least last 4,5 years because each class profile is different, may be this year no one wanted Ortho or Derm from that school instead of no one matching. Also, most try to match in the area where they want to settle.

Typically 93-94% US medical school senior match through NRMP and others are likely matched afterwards via SOAP. One can not make any conclusions based on a match list or many match lists. It is an individual decision by each student which specialty s/he applies to. What you consider top choice may not appeal to some one else. Decide on a medical school and perform well in the medical school. At the end, everything will work out.
Every specialty has its pluses and negatives. One should not blindly assume that Derm, Ortho, Plastic, ENT, Neuro (DOPEN) etc are best for them.


Many UGs at these fine schools let go of their dream of becoming a MD by the wrong choice of a UG institution. It is called not a smart choice. Some also choose wrong/hard majors which results in poor UG GPA.

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Whatever you choose to do is unlikely to have a major impact on residency chances unless it results in multple high impact publications in the specialty you choose to apply to. Masters/MPH/research all sound good so choose whatever you think you would enjoy the most.

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  • BSMD programs can set an earlier date than May 1 for acceptances. One must follow the acceptance date for their BSMD program given in their acceptance letter.
  • There is a National Acceptance deadline of May 1 for most colleges for everyone for a reason. One has until May 1 to make its decision without any external pressure and colleges know this. Your complaint is that one should make a decision earlier than the applicable deadline. Why is there a rush or pressure to do so ?

I seriously doubt 17 year old kids are desperate to get into medical schools, it’s the parents who are pushed into it by bird batch. It’s commendable that these students want to put lot of effort in trying to get into these programs knowing the odds are slim but no one should be asking someone to rush thru their decision making esp when you don’t know the financial packages from various schools.

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Many BSMD programs gave a date, for example, April 15th, to convey the decision by then. What is this date and May 1st (for the same institution)?

You must follow the acceptance date for BSMD programs as given in you acceptance letter. BSMD programs can set an earlier date than May 1 for acceptances. May 1 may be for those who are not part of the BSMD program for their UG acceptances. Stoney Brook University has surely accepted others who are not part of the Stoney Brook BSMD program.

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One can also seek a paid position such as a lab technician, lab coordinator in the university or other good paying job ( may be a computer programmer if one has the skills) etc and take one year leave of absence from college. Most research positions are non-paid.