Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

@GoldenRock Thank you the EAP at Mt. Sinai was only one was interested since is close to us in NY. And you do not have to give up UG for that, you get accepted end of your sophomore year, but you join after your 4 yr. degree at Penn. I guess there is advantage and disadvantage to this vs he can apply more schools in the regular cycle and have more choices later on. But I guess there are lot of premed’s at Upenn and will be way too competitive to get in vs. if he apply to this program am not saying it is very competitive, but he is still thinking about it.

He had lot of EC’s in HS medical related and they look at the HS also and if he gets into this program then he can pursue other stuff he is interested at Upenn without taking MCAT and some Orgo and Biochem as not required. But we have to look into more for this program as he might be applying this coming cycle as he is freshman right now.

But at same time was looking at Upenn match list is so much good options since he is interested in Dermatology which is way too competitive to get matched somewhere so not sure if want to give up that chance applying to penn med school as looking at data usually 1/6 gets into penn med school which he has to have high MCAT scores and GPA, so we will see.

Yale is not a T10 in medicine it’s T20 or T15 :slight_smile:

Again Rochester is a solid mid tier school like BU but not T10 or T20 for those that care about rankings. My S or all the kids I know with high stats and strong ECs didn’t apply to either school this time.

Yale is T10 as per US News and T14 as per PD ranking.
But, I think it is like splitting hairs.

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Here is what I found:

You made me look and I am surprised

Yale University
#10 in Best Medical Schools: Research
#59 in Best Medical Schools: Primary Care (tie)

Anyway, we are not debating one school in Rochester match list unless OP is interested in Yale only :slight_smile: I know you are trying to boost another BSMD program :joy:

If it is published by Temple, it is on the website. For 2021, the list has not been published yet. For DOPEN, temple’s match list is comparable to UPitt’s list in spite of the UPitt’s ranking research #13 vs Temple’s ranking research #61.

As I said before, you will find students matching from every medical school to every specialty if you look at last four years data. It comes down to how much work you put in and where you are matching. If you are looking for prestige check for what kind of programs students from particular school are getting into consistently. Given that BSMDs are considered mostly by risk averse, bird-in-hand parents/students the whole match debate has no merit.


if you are waitlisted, do the colleges send rejection letters or just not update if you are not accepted. whats the general process?

Is it a good idea to take AP credits for premed (traditional path) and go to higher level courses, or start with Bio 1, Chem 1 etc.? Also, honors courses v/s regular courses (not sure if you have a choice if you are in an honors program). We understand GPA is v important, but colleges say they look at an application “holistically”.

You can not find anything out of the match list because it is your performance in the medical school that would be the most important factor. As a high school senior, no one can predict your performance in the medical school. Your SAT score has no significant correlation with your MCAT score either. You are trying to find something which does not exit based no a scientific method, IMO. Agree that the whole match list debate has no merit.


If you do not send AP score to the school, you can take introductory classes in the first semester. AMCAS does not require high school transcript, only any college courses taken during high school, so they will never know about any AP courses. Some medical schools may prefer a college level class vs same AP class in high school.

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Even if you send scores you can take in some schools but others may mark course as repeat, so need to check with each school. My S didn’t use any AP credits. I believe college courses are more in-depth than AP classes.


You are right. I forgot, only Mt. Sinai has the unique EAP for years. Bottom line, students/parents need to review carefully each and every program’s details carefully. U of F EAP is a new one but must transfer.

The AP scores were sent to all schools as a part of the application. So, even though we won’t request credit for those, will the introductory courses be still considered a repeat?

Please check with the specific school. Some may not mark them repeat and the AP credit depends on the AP score 3, 4, 5. An academic advisor in UG or Honors can answer all your questions.

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This post is general info and “not for the exclusive outliers who are < 1 %”.
Year or year after seeing more and more focus and worry on this than trying to look what is BS/MD program and its own risk and reward and trying to decide on individual and family situation whether it is right to commit or go for regular UG route. Anyhow GL to all as time winds for May 1st.

  1. Feeling that student knows what specialty they plan to do is way too premature. Just for this trying to analyze which MD school has a better match is equally not that useful. To make sense out of any data, all the foot notes need to be read with lens.
  2. Focus only on T5 or T10 to T20 or focusing only very specific MD school alone is equally hard target. And now deciding which UG school will help to get admission for this goal is equally harder and too narrow.
  3. Trying to decide BS/MD or UG with the hope, good chunk of merit aid going to be given for MD school is another hard goal. Though few schools give (NYU, Kaiser, Mayo, UCLA etc)
  4. Hoping to find a school which will fit every needs of every aspects is another hard target (compromise is part of life) - location, cost, fit, get credit for all APs, easy to get research, EC, flexible, no MCAT, no GPA, multiple majors and minors but still finish in 2 or 3 years etc)
  5. What ever decision or path, what can not be avoided is student need to be focused and need to do his/her part, study/learn, get familiar with medicine profession and see if you are a fit and can tolerate dealing with sick people in your life day after day. Doing it for 30+ years is not trivial.
  6. Finally remember medicine career is a long journey, UG, MD, 3 years residency, 1-4 years fellowship, balancing personal life changes, marriage, kids etc (and not getting jealous all your buddies driving Tesla and taking vacations) when you are cramming for this or that exam.

Excellent points but I have to add my 2 cents to #3 :slight_smile: More and more schools are offering scholarships and some even though claim they using need based partial scholarships to lure those with multiple acceptances. Competition is heating up between schools also for rankings.

Yes you need to take the risk either way

Matching to T5 or T10 Residency program is Ultra competitive.

True, but there is lot of inbreeding among top programs, so if aim is matching into T5 or T10 from mid tier schools you need to work harder in medical school (may be more than those with gap years and additional research experience?)

@GoldenRock - very well said…

Although #6 point may seem too far away right now. The duration/length is perhaps the most life impacting…
UG(3-4)+MD(4)+Res(3-4)+Fel.ship(1-4), will be 11-16 years long and with gap (0-2) years, it will make it 12-18 years long. They could be 30-36 (avg-33) years of age by the time they are done.

at the end, these are some more things they would need to worry/think about -

  1. Paying off loans (Doctor spouse may mean paying off double loans)
  2. Finding right life partner (this too is not so straight-forward)
  3. having kids (biological clocks -ladies 33-40 years of age might end up taking expensive treatment to have kids)
  4. Raising kids (it gets harder as you age) - Many lady doctors end up working fewer hours
  5. finding life-work balance and actually enjoying after all the hard work (vacations etc.)