Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Please go through @GoldenRock’s post recently once again. Sorry to say this but our life is not in our hands, how can you expect a particular college gives a guarantee that you’ll be matched to your desired residency after 8 years. Please understand that you got into a very decent program and there are lot of kids who really want to be in your position. If you’re really confident about yourself go to Cornell or Duke.


Yes it’s getting tougher each year.general guidelines is 3.8 GPA/517 MCAT and excel at least in one activity (Research, leadership or community service). DS has near perfect stats, 4 years of research experience and very strong LORs from PI and other faculty.

I know it’s very tough decision and tough advise to give also. My thinking always is the students who were capable of getting into multiple T10 or T20 UGs and into good BSMD programs should be able to get into same caliber or better medical schools if they continue same work ethic and I gave several examples (from different schools). You also heard lot of failure stories from other parents who advocate for BSMD. So you need to decide how much risk you want to take.

Is 3.8 GPA/517 MCAT sufficient to get into T20 Or even T50?

Yes, but again you need good ECs, essays, LORs like UG. It’s never a numbers game.

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Once you are in a guaranteed tough to apply out. Application process is grueling and I don’t want to blame any kid who doesn’t want to go thru it.

Please share your stats + perspectives in the results thread

Yes actually, I heard SMEDs are stressed with difficult classes in first 2 years and don’t get to do much clubs or research. I loved everything else about the school, I am sure they are scoring very well on MCAT/with GPA. But SBU was just better support and better life for me overall


Thank you very much, I definitely will

It is!

Interesting, that’s not we heard last four years about classes.

Thank you so much! I will make sure to do so.

Depends on who you ask and what kind of high school rigor they have had among other things. In case you haven’t read my previous posts, have known SMEDs who did research all 3 years, ECs (both med and non med) from 2nd semester onwards in some of the most renowned institutions around (1st semester getting used and settling phase), many of them having made the magna cum laude levels overall, with some in 3.95 ranges, doing fantastic on MCAT right after sophomore years, without the luxury of time and preparation … Doesn’t indicate the stress or whatever. And yes, some may have dropped out altogether too, but kind of very rare.

Isn’t that the case for every school and every student? All we heard from you is BU successes and failures everywhere else :slight_smile:

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This is true. But still at the end of the day I think it comes down to how we handle ourselves as students. You can be successful anywhere. Another factor in my decision was cost and support…I am in state for Stony Brook(which is public school btw) so I will have less financial burden and more family support, which I believe is important for med school


Finance should be a big factor but most ORM parents here don’t mind spending. As per support for medical school, It’s constantly mentioned as big factor on SDN, but depends on student also. We can do facetime/video calls or fly-in if needed.

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True. Ultimately very happy with my results and decision, I’ll be posting in the results thread later:)


I also think you made right decision :slight_smile: I got curious about you rejecting BU since that school was promoted more than any other school here.


FYI, Here is the HS ranking of most often cited/touted high rigor high school .

Here is #1 ranked, a public magnet high school in the state.
