Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Is it possible that school is a crappy school but has special program like our HS?. Ours is ranked in 2000s but ranked in 200s for magnet programs. Our science teams are T10 for last 10 years and known for rigor.

The public magnet schools are separate at the county level. Students selected from each school district attend the public magnet schools.

Yeah BU was definitely hard to give up, but glad I chose Stony Brook. Thank you!


How do the EA programs work ? When do you apply ? Is it through commonapp as transfer student and do you need to transfer from UG school to this school for the last 2 years ?

Each EAP program is usually restricted to UGs registered in certain schools. They are not open to all. Flex med (Mount Sinai SOM) is open to UG students at any US college. Check the website of medical school to see the requirements. FYI, Drexel BSMD is really a EAP.

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Correct. Everyone has to weigh things from their own perspective and situation and come to decision deemed most ideal. Cannot make decisions based on others views, though can consider up to some extent. Final decisions should always come from self and family.


@bondpv - Early assurance program is not via common app since it is not for undergrad admissions. It is for med school admission. Usually each med school has its own portal.

Each early assurance program is different.

  1. some med schools are affiliated with some UG schools. Example: University of Rochester med school has a agreement with some colleges - Swarthmore, Colgate etc.

  2. Some early assurance program are open to all such Mt. Sinai Flexmed early assurance

  3. For some early assurance programs, you if you joined as a UG freshman and applied from high school itself - Drexel

  4. Some early assurance programs, you may be able to apply if you transferred. but, not sure which ones

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@rk2017 promoting BU and how easy to get perfect MCAT scores without even preparing and @srk2017 promoting how easy for hard working kids to get into T5/T10 med school via traditional route are very similar arguments. Both of them are not as easy for everyone just because your respective kids (and the examples you bring-in) made it look like its so simple!

It may be possible for 5-10% of the folks on this forum You both sound like if our kids/examples can do it, why not everyone!

On lighter note- Next year’s forum may miss your arguments/counter-arguments as you both contemplating to retire from the BSMD threads :rofl:

@Vicky2019 No, Temple BSMD or LKSOM EAP’s are NOT open to all. There are well defined groups who only can apply. See the appropriate website for details. Please leave it out if you are not sure. Temple BSMD ( 3+4 or 4+4 options) is not an EAP since it recruits only high school seniors, others are not eligible. Please do not spread misinformation. EAP by definition are meant for UG students who mostly apply during sophomore year. Drexel now calls it an EAP on their website. They changed it a few years ago when it was a Drexel BSMD with no restrictions on UG major.


@lovebsmd Your prediction may be premature.

I never said getting into T5/T10 is easy :joy: I said with careful planning and execution it’s doable and not as bad as some claim with incomplete details. My argument was by going thru BSMD process kids already have a head start and they can build up on that rather than throwing 500K+ on these programs. Within my family kids have all different experiences including BSMD and I mentioned that several times. I always gave unbiased opinions and never tried to elevate my kid or come here for validation. I see relentless cheering for BSMD as disservice to community. So please don’t equate :grinning:

I am definitely retiring. Need to focus on next target. My goal was to prove traditional path is doable and I accomplished. I may post once a year in BSMD experience thread.

Sorry to hear that. Is there a separate thread for medical school/residencies on CC. May be a time to start one.

There is one but not too much participation

@grtd2010 - We are all volunteering our time in this forum and every one might make a mistake once/few times. Somehow your comment “Please do not spread misinformation” seems very strong. Your comment was really unnecessary and hurtful. Since this is a public forum, interested people can share whatever they believe to be correct. the way I understood - people might make a mistake now and then
and others are welcome to correct. I am just trying to be helpful to students.

In the LKSOM website -
Although “Health scholars” and “BA/MD” programs mention high school students, Early Assurance programs doesn’t mention anything about high school.

Early Assurance
*LKSOM offers a number of early assurance programs that allow students to be considered for acceptance in their junior year of college.

If you are an undergraduate at one of the participating institutions and are interested in applying to Temple through the Early Assurance Program, contact your pre-health advisor.


While it calls itself an EAP, there are no medical school interviews in the junior or senior year of undergrad.
If you meet the requirements, you have a seat at the medical school.
The program is a BS/MD program.

I got into Rowan BS/DO but I am not sure whether or not I should take it because I was aiming for an MD program and want to pursue an MD. However, I am also not sure how much risk I would be taking by taking the traditional path (probably with Rutgers because it is the most cost effective). Should I chose Rowan BS/DO or Rutgers traditional?

Brief summary of my stats: 4.26 W (competitive HS so many have a higher W GPA), 3.8 UW, 1520 SAT, 100 hrs doctor shadowing/hospital volunteering, 75 hrs other volunteering, VP of school’s pre-med club, research under Waksman Student Scholars Program

getting into DO with traditional path is not difficult so I don’t see benefit of doing BSDO unless BS is free and you can apply out.


LKSOM EAP’s are not open to ANY college student in US but to specific colleges which have such agreements with LKSOM. Please check it before posting. Here is a quote from the official LKSOM website which list the colleges.

“The St. Luke’s Regional Campus has an Early Assurance program for students from DeSales University, Lehigh University, Moravian College, and Muhlenberg College.”

Go with Rutgers UG and try regular route MD. GL.