Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

you are the one who was willing to bet :slight_smile:

Hopkins. BTW, April 15th is a suggestion not a mandate and AAMCAS system can’t even process :slight_smile: Just to be polite, he emailed the schools also.

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I wouldn’t go to Duke over Rochester. You need to pick a different T20.


That is precisely the reason I have stopped reading the stuff from certain posters. They used to resort to personal accusations and attacks.

By the way those accusing others of spreading misinformation themselves have done so, numerous times, only to be corrected. But they neither stop reiterating the same misinformation nor stop being nasty to others. Unfortunate state of affairs.


Just to keep the record straight, I never attacked anyone including you my friend. I have nothing to gain from criticizing you personally and if you feel that way I am sorry to hear that. I only debated your strong advocacy for BSMD and constant quoting of failure stories without details. I wish your D all the success in medical field and you good CC retirement.


Folks need to study Finance and Risk. Just apply the same concepts in other aspects of decision making.


That’s all you have?

Is everyone got results from RPI/AMC?

do we have a separate thread for Rice Waitlist?

All depends on schools not rank. Harvard and Stanford are easier ones for GPA. Cornell, JHU, Chicago, Duke, Princeton are known for tough grading. Vandy, WashU and Rice are neutral.

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@SeekingAdvice123 - in my opinion, it’s what one does during medical school (USMLE, LOR’s, away rotations, etc.) and whatever research experience one has (not restricted to during medical school) are the main factors in obtaining a residency acceptance. I do not feel that most PD will look down on URochester SOM. It’s a more than respectable medical school.

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@mK2000 - feel free to review my posts here (can do a search) on my thoughts and experience on RPI/AMC. I attended RPI UG, then medical school via traditional route. My wife attended RPI/AMC BSMD. Several family members have gone through almost every permutation - Med school via traditional route, BSMD, Caribbean Med school, foreign medical school then successfully and unsuccessfully obtaining residency in U.S
 For those who made it to US Residencies, residencies included competitive specialties (Derm, Plastics, Ophthalmology) and primary care (peds, IM).

Feel free to PM me with questions if you wish.


@rk2017 - I appreciate your kind support.

My theory on this -
At our age, with grown up kids - We all have started spending a lot of time here on college confidential only because perhaps we find more joy helping/volunteering and need a break from achieving milestones and meeting deliverables at our work places. We also miss our kids since they have become busy with their lives and the time spent here makes us feel that we are closer to them. It seems this is also the reason why we could be feeling very personal with respect to the colleges our kids are attending.


What I am primarily confused about is what Rochesters reputaiton is in medicine and if it can get me into a really solid residency and also why its gpa average is 3.7 mcat 514 if it is at the ranking its at. Also I dont know if it has recognition from big name residencies

@SeekingAdvice123 - I think the doubting of its recognition by residency programs might be more internal to you. As you mentioned, it’s nationally recognized by its ranking. It doesn’t have the splash of an IVY, Stanford, MIT, etc., but that’s for general undergraduate college. As mentioned here repeatedly, certain schools may be higher ranked compared to Ivies for specific majors or interests (e,g. Engineering, computer science, etc.). This is more likely when it comes to medical school, and even more so for many Residencies/Fellowships.

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im looking at med school rankings though - like rochesters average mcat and gpa dont seem too too high but its ranked 36 which idk if thats good enough for those top residencies. I also dont know if it has like a rly rly strong rep in the med community

my q is how big of a difference will t10 and rochester make - i am disspaointed by its research ranking and am scared cause ik i can put in the work and place at residency but want it to be good. Im also concerned because if i am taking rochester over cornell and duke and i end up maintaining high gpa AND applying out w the MCAT why did i take roch in the first place. But also is it a good enough fall back optiion if things dont go right/ is it prestiigous in medicine

Again Cornell and Duke are not good for premed. You know I am not a big BSMD proponent but based on what you have, Rochester is good option for you. If you really want prestige, excel in Rochester and plan to apply out. That’s means do all the required ECs and take MCAT in January of junior year.


But if that doesnt go according to plan is Rochester a really good med school or is it just decent? Some people say it has a great rep in the field and then others say otherwise. Everyone says it really truly values education others dont im so confused but end all be all if i dont end up applying out will it place me in a cmpetitiv espot for residency. My plan is to focus pre med on grinding out as much research as I can so it looks good for residency apps and i can continue doing so