Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Go to DUKE, if you are not sure of REMS even after all these discussions, I don’t think you will ever be. Be happy and hopeful at DUKE than sad and skeptical at URoch.


Can you go to linkedin and search up and see how many students from your top 10 UGs are going to top 10 medical schools?

Yeah. OHSU is a great school (15min away from home :slight_smile: ). Knowing her, maintaining 3.75+ GPA from state school should not be a major concern. I am suggesting her to go to state school, figure out medicine is the path for you, use AP credits to finish undergrad in 3 (or 3.5) years and use the gap to focus on medical application. She doesn’t want to go to state school.

She wants to take up RPI/AMC. We are surprised about her choice of medicine path (she was thinking business/finance+tech till late junior year). Worried that she is making wrong decision.

What are her reasons for wanting to go to RPI/AMC? Also do you know anyone from your HS who went thru traditional path and successfully got into OHSU without any gap years? It all comes down to HS rigor and work ethic regardless of all success and failure stories you hear here.

I am sure you will continue this same question until May 1st, irrespective of answers you get. You remind us of @REMSHOPEFUL123, just doubting everything and not really taking any feedback/input given.

As a matter of fact, I seriously believe @SeekingAdvice123 and @REMSHOPEFUL123 are same person. I believe It identical questions that most on this forum are aware of.

Good luck to you (and your classmates wherever you go)!


I think @REMSHOPEFUL123 got rejection from REMS if I remember correctly.

may be came back to confuse all REMS admits? :wink:
Anyway, I answered few times and few others including physicians chimed in. so time to move to others questions.

To be fair, its one of the most competitive high schools in the state. Every year, few kids from her HS go into Ives, T20 UG schools and top BSMD programs (HPME, SMED, PLME, PSPP, …). I know lot of kids from her HS went through traditional path and got into not only OHSU, but also to T5/T10/T20 medical schools without gap year. But most of them went out of state for UG. I know very few who got into OHSU from our state school without gap year(s).

She gives typical risk-averse bird-in-hand reasoning for RPI/AMC. (finishing in 7 years, no MCAT, decent GPA requirement, focus on ECs what she loves do vs what she has to do etc…)

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Regarding "I know very few who got into OHSU from our state school without gap year(s). ", did these students rejected out of state T20/T30 UGs and chose in-state or they didn’t get any T20/T30 privates?

I can support finishing in 7 years, no MCAT, decent GPA requirement, but not “focus on ECs what she loves do vs what she has to do etc.”. That’s a fake excuse used by many to justify BSMD. Even in BSMD you are expected to do some clinical and non-clinical volunteering and RPI is a research focused school. Only difference is number of hours even that depends on student. I know few students (including DS) who did 100-200 hr range only but they are smart about it and articulate in the essays.

If you tell the kids that they have to pay for the bird (education) with loans and I bet half of them will so no to $500K+ bill :slight_smile:

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@love4bsmd You seems to be spot on. Flag as a spam next time @SeekingAdvice123 posts the same thing again.

hi! i’ve been a long time lurker on here, and I’m lucky to have 3 bsmd acceptances: Pitt GAP, Upstate, and RPI/AMC.

I’m leaning towards Upstate, but I’m afraid to turn down AMC and Pitt because of the prestige. However, the GPA requirements for RPI and Pitt seem a little daunting. Cost wise for undergrad, the three are similar. For med school, upstate is the cheapest of the three options.

Can I have some suggestions/guidance please?

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So what, it may be a reincarnation as a different user handle. Do not encourage a troxx. S/he may be having fun at your expense.

I would pick Pitt, their SOM is highly rated. As per UG GPA requirement, I don’t think we heard anyone not meeting it. It’s a mid tier school so probably it’s easier for someone like you to excel.

What’s the total cost difference and do you need to take loans?


For me, PittGAP seems a no-brainer.

Again, I do not know anything about you.


OP did that trick a few times. Changing from he to she and CA guy to NY gal and all that. This could be the new one from REMS rejection to REMS acceptance :upside_down_face:

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Regarding state school to OHSU without gap year students: My data set is very small (2) - both are super smart kids. One did local state school, went to OHSU, did fellowship in Geriatrics and now a director at a VA hospital. Other finish undergrad in 2.5 years at state school (had few research publications), rejected OHSU to take up some prestigious fellowship at NiH and currently doing MD/PhD now.

I also know few strong kids from same HS (got into T30 UG schools), chose state but didn’t make it to any med school even after gap year. One took up PA school. Others is still trying. Don’t know details on what’s holding them back.

Without details it’s like so many stories people quote here in favor of BSMD. Again my S and few other kids who are focused from day one got in without gap years and got into multiple T20s. So it all comes down to how your D transitions to UG. Only you and your D can figure that out.

Are you for real ? Do you really have all those acceptances including REMS ?


For a full disclosure - here is my older DS story.

My older DS went to same high school. But he had many participations and awards at national Math and Science competitions. He applied to very few BSMD programs (SMED, PLME, HPME) along with other UG top schools. I knew nothing about BSMD programs then.

His final list came down to: SMED vs Harvard vs UVA (full ride - Jefferson scholar). After talking to few SMED students, we pushed him towards SMED. But he loved UVA and the royal treatment he got for Jefferson scholar interview/visit. He chose UVA - breezed through undergrad in <3 years with 3.98+ GPA. Managed to squeeze in MPH in 1 year (paid by scholarship). Used study abroad funds to pursue his photography passion to tour Europe. Got research scholarship to do public health research abroad. Managed to find internships to pay for his ECs and summer travels. He loved every minute of the undergrad experience. With his MCAT 524, got admission to multiple T20 (few T5) MD schools including OHSU. He chose NYU (full free ride).

As you can imagine, he strongly advocates against BSMD. But again this is n=1 story.


Do you really need another opinion when your elder DS advocates against an expensive BSMD ? You can easily sort it all within the family.