Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

I think experiences can be so different. My son is a product of BSMD program and he feels it did him more harm then benefit. As per him he became complacent in UG due to to his guranteed admission for MD and was not able to adjust to med school in first year and work as hard as he should have which finally resulted in not a stellar score in step 1.

With all that, why do you need opinions in this thread :slight_smile: You know except me and @grtd2010 everyone else will say go for bird-in-hand :slight_smile:

Also, when did your S matriculated to medical school? this year or last year?

It depends on the student. One can challenge oneself in BSMD by doing multiple minors, doing a research project from the freshman year or doing a double major, while doing medical ECs, leadership activities, research etc as D did.


I suspect this happens more than parents admit here. Since step 1 is P/F from next year I guess they get two more years to adjust from lax UG :slight_smile:


Read somewhere USMLE-2 CK has portions which cover material from USLME-1. Students still need to take USMLE-1 P/F seriously but not too seriously.

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As you know, advise from own family never works - esp with daughters :frowning:

My DS matriculated to NYU last year.

I agree. He did get two minors and lots of research, even then he feels that he would have done better on his step 1 the traditional route. Well alls well that ends well. He is doing great anyway now.

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This is exactly the story, even though n=1, we were expecting to hear. .my daughter got into UVA as well. Half her class go there so someone else took the spot for Jefferson scholarship from her school. We are in-state so CoA is reasonable.

Can I ask what major he picked? The only caveat is she wants neuroscience ( very particular)major and we heard it’s extremely competitive with only 20 students from the whole school being picked.

She is already talking to a few students and pushed UVA to top of her list!

Thank you for JIT post!

Is Neuroscience in biology department or psychology department or a hybrid ? One can probably make own major by taking appropriate electives if needed. May be an academic advisor can help.
Neuroscience is the multidisciplinary study of the nervous system. It focuses on basic scientific problems related to psychology, biology, and chemistry,

Well, my DS and DD are at the opposite ends.

My DS was high energy kid. He participated and excelled in all types ECs (including DECA, robotics, programming, speech debate, math & science) at that high school and represented school and state at various national competitions. As a result most teacher knew him well. That presented a huge challenge for my DD (unspoken expectations from teachers/friends). She is more of a hard worker type, nothing comes easy/natural for her. She chose very few ECs she was passionate about and stuck to them all 4 years.

DD feels that things are quite different for her compared to my DS: college choices, intellect level, interests etc.

Since you didn’t spend any money on DS, you should contribute to NY economy and pick RPI/AMC. Also she will close to brother.

Debating between Loyola Pre- Med VS NSU BS-DO program. Stats: ACT:34, 4.01 WGPA, 3.5 NWGPA Shadow Hours - 25 , Volunteer -80 Hours, Research papers - 2 published (co-authored) and E board member for Health Clubs. What would you suggest pls?

if NSU gave full ride take it and then plan to apply out.

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Interestingly, my DS did “neuroscience” major at UVA. Yes. Once has to apply into it after freshman(?) year. He worked with his advisor to lay out a plan to finish UG in <3 years from the start, as he wanted to pursue MPH degree while applying to med schools.

Recently, he is advised my DD to do “Stats” major instead of neuroscience/Chem/Bio major for her premed UG.

Sorry, I don’t know all the details on why? As you can figure out, I am more off a hands-off and watch on the sides lines parent.

(BTW - since I am new to this forum, there is some limit on number of posts I can make per day? My responses may be delayed).

undergrad for all three is around 25-30k. Med school cost is double that of Upstate at Pitt and AMC.

If there are no loans, I will go for Pitt. if you need to take loans go with Upstate.

I’m not sure if I can meet their high requirements compared to other programs. Also, I met a couple of students who graduated from Pitt GAP and they said that a lot of students tend to drop out of the program so idk

Thxs! Wish :slight_smile: But they gave scholarship the total comes down 20 grand /year for UG

Hi all! My daughter has gotten accepted to Harvard as well as the RPI/AMC BS/MD 7 year program. She aspires to become a doctor who is also involved with healthcare policy. We are not completely sure which option she should choose. Any thoughts?

@quaranteen It cannot be downplayed that Pitt’s med school is significantly more reputable than Downstate (which would would keep more doors open for residency), but ultimately you have to go with what you’re comfortable with

I personally would not compromise undergraduate experience for a BS-DO program. DO programs are easy enough to get into via the traditional route if MD doesn’t work out.

@heyoitsjake I would pick Harvard without hesitation

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