Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

UVA has those crazy TJ kids :joy:

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So you suggesting to take 100K loan to avoid competition?

No but I thought parent said they had funded cost?

Not every kid wants to participate in cutthroat competition. It is possible to have high caliber academics and a collaborative environment.

UVA is known to have an intense premed program. Like JHU light

Edited to say if you have planned for tradl med funding then those scholarships will keep some funds in the account

still fund is not designed to avoid competition. Among choices OP’s son has VCU and Crimson triumphs w/o breaking the bank that can be used for medical school. If UMich comes around, that fund has better use than spending on Pitt/Case/Rochester as UMich SOM takes significant UMich kids through traditional route, not EAP.

Go with VCU with full scholarship and keep the funds for medical school. Give the gift of debt free education to your kid. He will appreciate it. Any four year institution will prepare one for medical school. It is the individual which determines whether one gets into a medical school, not the school one attends.

We are in the same boat and might choose UVA or Georgetown. ( my child is accepted at GTown).
@mom2boys1999 - yes we are one of those crazy TJ kids going in( if UVA). :rofl::rofl:lol

I hope you know I am poking fun, though those are wicked smart kids.

My grandfather taught at TJ for a long time back in the day. I was never a STEM kid- more humanities- and thus super glad no pressure to go there while he worked there :joy:

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All three colleges have scholarships which will make the difference with UVA minimal.

UMich - I love that university but nearly 800 kids apply from there.
Yes, UMich med school accepts about 25% of its ~165 student intake from there.
You have about ~5% chance - over double the 2% acceptance rate.

@rk2017 I couldn’t edit it :frowning:

If not top 10 big names, does not matter- go with NJIT or VCU or UVA etc. whichever is cheap and comfortable. I wouldnt worry about UMich etc. as OOS. Save $$ and kid will have fun.

Most rankings are meaningless after few top schools - It does not matter wheather 20 or 30 or 50 or 70 etc. in nearly all fields and MD should be no exception. Nadella went to junk school in India.

Absolutely! No worries at all! All good!

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Thanks for trying, no issues. You can always reply to that post in the results thread and provide the update in the reply. That way folks reading the reply will have a reference to the original. After you are done with making up your mind.

You can ignore U Mich even if picked from wait-list, with the hope he can get into med school there. Not only the undergrad for which most likely he won’t get any break, the med school is unbearably expensive for OOS. Don’t think they will allow students to convert to instate status bcoz they did undergrad there.

Pitt seems most desirable to me.

Also someone mentioned about EAP kind of program specifically for honors students at VCU and cited some figures earlier in the thread. Perhaps that can be a factor in your decision making. But also a parent on this forum expressed apprehensions on that pathway couple of years back, saying those numbers were dwindling. So you may have to do some fact finding.

@Indiglo - Out of all the colleges you have listed, UVA is the best ranking college. UVA will cost you 140K for 4 years and provides the best ROI and best value for $$ you spend. You will be in home state and close to parents, the best option all around!

If looking for OOS private college, U of R is similar to UVA and will cost you 200K. For additional $$$ this will be another good option.

The cheapest options are VCU, Alabama, NJIT (free ride). But, UVA is much better value for $140K more

Here is UMICH SOM stats

See the kind of UGs students get there.

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Sorry if I am off topic.

Between UVA and SLU Med Scholars, which one would you all vote?
(Cost wise it’s same. We are instate for UVA)

It is interesting that this last cycle >750 student from UMich applied to medical school.
the 5-year average of applicants is about 175 students lower.
18% interview strike rate is good.

56% of students had >2 gap years.

SLU has the advantage of getting a medical school seat if you meet the EAP requirements.
As a TJ student, this should be doable at SLU without the cut-throat competition of UVA.

BTW - did you speak to students at SLU in the program?

Yes @NoviceDad we spoke to one student we could connect. He is a freshman and said only good things about slu.