Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Are you on UCLA waitlist?
Heard few children from local community have chosen UCLA instead of UC Berkeley because of possible volunteer/intern/undergrad-research opportunities at UCLA medical school.
Seems UCLA waitlist acceptance rate was about 20% last year. There is a thread to discuss UCLA waitlist here:

  • Delted
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60 out of 125 get it or is it by feeder school?

Don’t worry. If NJIT and TCNJ forwarded your application and NJMS took your interview, you are good. It’s just that if selected you won’t be able to select Stevens as UG. Though I have seen people reporting that if NJMS selects you, then even UGs that rejected you would offer you to come to them. So don’t worry and wait to NJMS results. Was Stevens your UG choice (over TCNJ and NJIT)? IIRC, Stevens tuition is much higher than NJIT and TCNJ.

No, TCNJ was my first choice :slight_smile:


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How many ultimately get accepted?

half of them must be bird-in-hand vs aim high :slight_smile:


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I believe JHU BME is the #1 program but as you said it’s tough. My S was interested in it but given he didn’t get any merit he didn’t take it. It’s hard to give up full-ride and possibility of one gap year shouldn’t be the deciding factor. I heard about one who got 3.9 and ended up at Stanford. my nephew got lower GPA and took 2 gap years (but one year he worked full-time and saved money for medical school) but ended up getting full-tuition for medical school.

As there is only ONE interview, there would be only ONE decision from NJMS, IMO. If you were not forwarded by Stevens, it may not apply to you.

I would say go for JHU BME full scholarship. She must have done something extraordinary to get it!

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@md2025 I challenge the veracity of your data. Please provide the source of the data. TCNJ historic data shows they have approximately 80 interviewed by NJMS and 40 offered NJMS BSMD positions. Your data does not seem authentic. No hearsays please.

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Please provide the source of your data to prove it is authentic, otherwise it is deemed not to be true. No hearsay please.

How is it true ? Are you a member of NJMS admission committee ? Please provide the source of your data to prove it is authentic, otherwise it is deemed not to be true. No hearsay please.

Now a days approximately 2/3 of matriculating class has 1-2 gap years according to AAMC. It only matters if one does the present value calculations of 1-2 years of future income. It may matter to some but it may not be material to most in a long career as a MD.

For current cycle I am tracking 3 other students (girls) other than my S with no gap years (1 Vandy, 1 Stanford and one from Colorado state, so not a T20 school). All of them have multiple As. T20 students did much better in terms of As given their ECs but CO girl also got 2 As (one T20) and waiting to hear from Hopkins.

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@ NoviceDad

JHU was even not in her consideration until full schol. However, she is inclined for BME/ChE compared to Biology etc.

Little unknown no. 1 undergrad school Harvey Mudd in LA ( of Caltech caliber) for engg. also is enticing. She was hopeful of Caltech but is waitlisted. Georgia Tech/Duke are close in BME and she has close to full schol at GT and await Duke.

More results to come out.

Money does change thinking ( not sure full paying at HYPC IVYs worth compared to JHU/GT rides). Obviously JHU/Duke offer full schol for a reason- to get off IVYs/Caltech/MIT kids.

Will see and let her make decisions.


It is in top race now along with MD programs and await more results and money from others.

One thing to remember is if it’s a named scholarship you get noticed. My S is Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholar at Vandy, so when he applied to for research or other opportunities and he got quicker and favorable responses. So it’s not all about free tuition.