Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Also received TCNJ email!!!


My D is very anxious to start medical path asap. I wonder sometimes about the success rate to med school from these 2 schools. They are very big schools and public, not sure if they can accommodate services specific to our needs.

How did you get that number 30?

Got TCNJ email! When should we expect financial info?

D had CS UCB UG admission as OOS a few years ago but did not join.

D struggling with BS- MD vs. Columbia ( they just made her Egelston Scholar) vs. JHU ( full schol). Not sure where to fit UCB/UCLA ( OOS).

More IVYs to come in April- Also Duke, CMU, Tufts/Rice etc ( rejected Rice/Baylor).

Perhaps wait until Judgement day in April and learn from all sources.

We are in-state, let’s see if they send any Regents scholar details. CS makes sense for UCB, lot of opportunities with silicon valley connections. What did you end up taking?

You can apply regular MD and can get into a medical school. BSMDs are only 5% of total medical school seats.

D is starting medical school soon after her UG.


what about applicant to no of seats %, in other words, acceptance rate via regular route?

march 5

UCB EECS ( also Stanford) is topnotch. Obviously Stanford EECS is way above ( Tonnes of topnotch start ups including Google founders).
AS per data above it is 42% for at least one medical school admission.

Well, one of Google founders did UG from UMich

It is included in the email from TCNJ

That’s huge number, lot better than 5-10% acceptance rate from BA/BS-MD route. But I hear a lot of students going for DO if they don’t have 500+ MCAT score. And this report shows that people got in with <500 MCAT, may not be ORM.

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I didn’t even read the email completely, it is in the first line :laughing::
“We are pleased to inform you that the New Jersey Medical School’s Admissions Committee has admitted you and 30 other TCNJ applicants to The College of New Jersey/Rutgers-NJMS combined Baccalaureate-MD Program.”
Now I wonder, how many of those 30 they really forwarded to NJMS? We are not one of them already.

I have a friend whose son did BME from Lehigh.
I would skip that college.

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You are comparing apples with oranges.

If you agree to ~40% acceptance rate for traditional route, the ratio works out to be ~33% for BS/MD.

If you look at number of applications, we are looking at ~900K applications for ~20K seats. This ratio is ~2.22%

This is similar to BS/MD where we look at # of applications w.r.t. seats in a specific program.

See my earlier post in this thread.

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what college did she go to for UG?