Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

How do you read when numbers were low 3 years back and they went up in last 2 years in few specialty areas?

Does anyone know when TCNJ releases merit info after notifying acceptance to NJMS?

Anyone knows what time tomorrow is BU announcing bsmd decision?

Interesting, NJMS is not even on the chart, but CNU & UMKC are. Or I overlooked?

I donā€™t see UCB on the chartā€¦

Residency is mostly self selections, so I wonā€™t go by counts but see if students are consistently matching in the competitive fields in good programs.

*[quote=ā€œbondpv, post:788, topic:3511165, full:trueā€]
I donā€™t see UCB on the chartā€¦

Itā€™s residency match for medical school, are you referring to UCSF? Some schools may not publish their data or whoever generated it may have missed it.

Do we also have categorization on the quality of match with this graph, using data if it is T10/T20 residency program for the match ?

Or it does not specify if you match for Neurosurgery in UCSF/Barrows/JHU/UPMC or any community Hospital asit takes the same weight for any match.

I copied it from SDN :slight_smile: I donā€™t think itā€™s limited to top tier programs.

I think the Quality of match may be important if you are looking for cutting edge T10 residency programs. Some of the modern techniques and cutting edge training are only available in these programs as they handle complex cases.

And the top fellowships programs follow the same pattern.

Definitely, this gives some numbers and you need to dig deep to find out where they are matching. Most schools publish but not all.

UCSF doesnā€™t give details.

but Penn gives out the names also!

Yes also there are students who want internal medicine by choice and you want to look if they are matching to the top programs like Duke, MGH, Stanford, they finally end in top Gastro, Cardiology programs and top fellowship programs.

Yes, again you canā€™t just go by raw counts but just to give an idea for folks who needs to decide on BSMD .


DOPEN stands for


Understand the data and what the chart is trying to say.

A simple conclusion is that any school above the regression line has a higher ratio than the average of all schools with students matching in these 5 specialties.

The regression line (y = 0.0887 x) indicates roughly 8.87% of all students match to these DOPEN specialties.

Effectively this data is telling us about <9% of all students.


Agree with @srk2017 - take PLME.

Take all rankings, especially medical school rankings, with caution.

Yes, rankings needs to be used strategically, canā€™t just go by just the number.

Okay so if we are thinking ranking wise, how good is UIC GPPA?

Thanks for very insightful information on MD/PhD :pray:

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NRMP 2020 match data

~37K spots for residency
~44K match registrants

This is interesting as there are only ~21K (MD) + ~8K (DO) = ~29K medical seats/year in US.

IMGs (both Us citizens and non-citizens) account for ~12K applicants.

Approx ~5% of US students do not match each year.

UIC is a mid-tier medical school. Keeps most doors open, but would need to perform well in medical school to match into top academic residency programs (donā€™t need to stand out so much at ā€˜top tierā€™ schools for the same opportunities).

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