Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

What sort of specialty would be needed for development pediatrics or rheumatology (for rheumatology I’d imagine internal medicine but not positive) and are either needed specialty particularly difficult to match into? Obviously my interest may change but as of now that’s where they stand so I’m just curious :grin:

Pediatrics is easy match but sub specialties competitiveness varies

Sorry, I have no clue. I don’t keep track of all schools.

yes to all of the questions, im from cali so it is decently far but no worries there

What do you mean? So which one is the best, Im not really following - im sorry

Interestingly, NJMS if plotted would be pretty high above the line. In 2020 it had class of 180 with 20 dopen matches.

One thing to consider about the mean 9% is that dopen match % for those who actually want to do dopen is obviously considerably higher as you’d have to adjust the data to exclude all those interested in other areas. Plus also have to consider self selection of candidates wanting to go to med schools focused on non-dopen areas. Unfortunately that data isn’t available.


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SBU send Match PDF file that I am having difficulty attaching ( says only jpg etc. file allowed)- Wondering experts or geniuses ( most students) can guide me. Need to understand match details from experts here.

Btw I am a PhD in ChE from UT-Austin ( Ranks 3 in ChE) - This is what happens to top ranked PhDs - Cann’t figure out how to attach a pdf file!!!

Use pdf to JPEG conversion sites

My dream just came true. I got into SMED!! So excited, and good luck to everyone else :slight_smile:


For some reason I didn’t get any scholarships at BU despite naming it as my first choice on national merit. Anyone know what I can do? It’s really expensive without this scholarship

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Neither pediatrics nor internal medicine are difficult to match into, but it gets competitive at the top. Rheumatology is not particularly competitive among the IM subspecialties so any US MD applicant should be in good shape to match well.

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D accepted into BU SMED !!!


Congratulations !!


Power of RK :crazy_face:

Accepted to BU SMED!!!


May be you need a second PhD in Computer Science-UT Austin !!!.

Congratulations @rk1235rk, @gracewins, @medman16 (and anyone else I may have missed).

@gracewins, I would suggest you call them on Monday morning, who knows they may have had an oversight. Or who knows, they stopped giving goodies based on NMF just like none of their level peer institutions do? Whatever may be, better to get it clarified. I would recommend calling than emailing since the latter may take days to get response for.

@medman16, you are on quite a roll here. GWU yesterday, BU today, what is next? Hope you will achieve what they call a hat trick in cricket. 3 wickets in a row. Well done and good luck!

Probably your D is not taking NJMS BSMD offer.

DS got into BU SMED. He did not get the NM scholarship as well. I vaguely recall reading on this forum that BU doesn’t give it often to the kids in the SMED because they know the kids will come regardless. Nevertheless, we are all so happy for him. Congrats to everyone!!!