Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

@grtd2010 - HaHa!!

My son is UG UTAustin- CS- He was of no help either!!! Perhaps after PhD that he does not want to do!!!- Btw he got internship with Tesla.

On a simple note, is there a way to attach a pdf file or needs to be converted. I saw few pdf files posted and wasted several minutes but could not figure out how to post SBU match document.

Congrats to all for BU - Next to all mighty schools. Boston should be fun.

Is this still a concern now? Both BU SMED and Brown PLME are great programs and rarely anyone will be in the situation of having to choose between them (chances for ORM folks very slim for PLME ).

Unfortunately it is not a simple this or that answer. Let me know if still you (or anyone else here) want to know, and will put together points from various angles I am aware of for your own consideration.

Very happy for you son. Tesla is going big at Austin, TX.

He will do in Fremont CA. Past summer he did with IBM etc.

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Is he a CS senior now?

At least a couple million :joy:

DC is graduating with a UG in CS and Biological Sciences soon and starting medical school there after.

Sure, put it out. There may be a few who may be interested. DC is starting medical school. No bidding here. GL to you.

So with many folks getting into top programs like REMS, GW, BU etc. and others into NY/NJ and other state medical schools ( not sure if they are top programs or not- atleast UG schools are just OK) with PLEM pending, the question is - Does someone go with IVY/MIT/Stanford ( and I will include JHU- with full schol also although not in same league) or take BU, REMS or Upstate/Downstate/NJMS??

I know it is an individual/family choice but perhaps a difficult one unless someone knows 100% what they want.

All LCME accredited US medical schools are good. It depends on the individual when s/he reaches to medical school, what will be trajectory there after. What kind of residency one wants ? Most students do not know until they have done clinical rotations( spending a few weeks in different departments at hospitals) what do they like. NRMP residency match will decide where they go for their training. So all this talk about top schools is too premature since there are so many variables.

Yes he is senior- He did internship since freshman summer.

UT- CS and all engg. are tough major. Very very difficult to have 3.5 - most are happy with 3.0. in engg. ECE/CS class starts at 400 and is 200 by end of first/2nd year due to weed out classes and toughness. ChE is relatively less brutal but still tough.

Dont think many go to Medicine - My D has been selected to BME but we have eliminated UT.

No clue, I didn’t generate it.

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Good old Peoria, my first city in US.

Congratulations to all who got into BU !!!

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You seems to have lived in IL, MN, NY, FL,TX, CA. Anything we missed yet.

You and I have so much parallel track. My elder S is UIUC CS senior, similar internship track a robotics startup, Northrop Grumman, Amazon, upcoming Nvdia. He was supposed to start Amazon FT this summer, let it go as he decided to do MS with Thesis (he has industry research interest) as 5th year extension. He would have applied out CMU, UCB, Standford caliber for MS but then 2 years vs 1 year at home ground (he is 3.9+ and GRE 330+). He hasn’t ruled out PhD route yet.

Younger one also had few BMEs, including GATECH but he is a junior at NU, Neuroscience major/CS minor, so far so good, only 2 A-s from freshman 1st Q. Likely to take GAP year as he is now leaning more MD/PhD.


They’re very well traveled :joy:

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@highschooler1 On the basis of medical school reputation, BU SMED is the better choice over GWU by a decent margin (and hence puts you in a better position for residency), but that’s several years away and if there were other considerations such as location, cost, undergrad experience that are important to you, it’s fair to consider those.


DC got into BU SMED !!!


In my eyes both BU SMED and PLME are same from med school perspective. definitely undergrad experience will be different.

Boston vicinity with MGH and other medical centers near by BU may give advantage if you do not care for Ivy Legacy

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