Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Nope, but I visited or drove through most states. I think only states I haven’t put my foot on are SD, NE and KS.

May meet each other some day.

so famous (infamous for me) adcom on SDN says your 2S lost his (academic) virginity in first year.

Sure, no plans to visit NJ anytime soon, but if you are coming to CA, DM me.

No travel done in sometime due to Covid. Not have been to CA for a while.

My S is a big Tesla fan and he is known worldwide for his Tesla activities. He met chief designer at Cybertruck unveiling . I bought one for him for his 21st birthday recently.

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Is GW top tier among the current BS/MD programs? You already know my answer for HYPSM+ vs BSMD :slight_smile:

But in Boston you have to compete with Harvard students. Better to be big fish in small pond vs small fish in big pond.

Got into BU SMED !!!


Looks like half the new BU SMED class is on CC :slight_smile:


A big winner today is BU SMED !!!.


I thought the new currency was BSMDcoin patented by @PPofEngrDr !

Congrats to everyone who got in BU SMED!


I agree not only Harvard you have MIT students in the Boston. It is a big pond.

Other option apart from Harvard what we are a considering will be Pitt GAP and Stanford if we get along the way

What is you opinion on Stanford for Premed vs Harvard. I have my entire siblings in Bay Area and family support for Bay Area is better than Boston for DS ?

Two years back, I had suggested looking at PrimaryCare vs Rest as one metric.
About 43% of all residency slots are in Primary care. And within primary care, to look at IM vs others, since IM is a pathway to 8+ specialties including cardiology and oncology.

A college (after looking at multiple year average) that consistently has <43% of students opting for primary care in its match list would be a good proxy to the college environment and support for competitive specialties.

DOPEN looks at a further sub-set of current 5 most competitive specialties.

Any opinions on PSU Schreyer? How prestigious would you consider it? Good Pre-Med option with personalized resources at a big well renowned school?

Residency Matches:

If anyone is interested in learning more about MD students and their characteristics wrt to match, this report is a very useful one:

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DD got into BU SMED!!


And within primary care, to look at IM vs others, since IM is a pathway to 8+ specialties including cardiology and oncology.

I agree some of the top candidates choose IM
And are very focused on top programs and these may separate them from others.

For surgical look at general surgery match also


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