Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Right out a pros and cons list to see which programs aren’t a good fit and which are. It’s hard to sometimes see the logistics behind a decision without having all the data/information in front of you. It’s a simple thing but I find it incredibly helpful

Augusta is very small town and UG is very small school (we visited last year). D did not like it at all.
How would August Med School Vs BU or Penn Med school play out later in real life? Residency matches, exposure to advance medicine, etc? I don’t know. No one in our family is a doctor.

Take in-state and give half the money to her and you buy a Tesla for yourself like me and everyone is happy :slight_smile: Unless she is seriously thinking of going in academic medicine at top schools, $350K is not worth even if it’s Harvard BSMD. You can match from any school to any program but have to work harder if you want to match into brand name (for whatever reasons). Nothing against BU, but she will be competing with Harvard, MIT kids for everything.


Yes, that is true. But she is very driven and she has pushed herself all through her school life (starting with middle school). Augusta (specially UG) might not provide her that competitive environment that she has been though out her school life.
But you are right. Money diff is big.

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If She is driven, let her try regular MD after 3 years and may be she gets into a T5-10 medical school like UPenn, Harvard (HMS) or NYU ( free tuition) etc with a great UG GPA and MCAT score.

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My D interviewed on 02/25 Union/AMC and we haven’t heard anything yet…

we are instate

One thing that you may want to consider is that at Augusta, some of the kids are falling behind and cannot do the undergrad in 3 years. It stretches to 4 years.

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You know my kid is also driven and he rejected BU for same reason and I already posted his results. Kids who are driven and focused from day one, traditional path is still not bad. Only application process is tedious not ECs or school work.

Does anyone received rejection letters for NJIT/NJMS?

Augusta University offers two program options: 3/4 and 4/4. Both program options provide a lockstep curriculum where courses are taken in a prescribed sequence meant to build on the previous course content.
Students enrolled in the accelerated 3/4 program have the option to switch at any time to the 4/4 Program.

Students in the 3+4 BS/MD Program will take a minimum of 90 credit hours toward the B.S. degree in Cell and Molecular Biology under the direction of the Department of Biological Sciences in the College of Science and Mathematics. The requirements for the B.S. degree will be completed with 30 credit hours of coursework taken during the first year of medical school under the direction of the Medical College of Georgia.
Students in the 4+4 BS/MD Program will take all 120 credit hours required for the B.S. degree in Cell and Molecular Biology under the direction of the Department of Biological Sciences in the College of Science and Mathematics.

Students accepted into the BS/MD Program at Augusta University will be enrolled in a minimum of fifteen credit hours per semester, and they do not have the option to take courses out of sequence, repeat courses, or take courses at another institution during the summer. The BS/MD Program retains the ability to remove students who do not comply with program requirements, academic requirements, and policies of the Department of Biological Sciences, the Medical College of Georgia, and Augusta University.

A 15 hrs course load is normal for a semester in most colleges. Why would it be difficult to finish it in 3 years for a driven student.

Do they both focus on 2 different sets of med schools like common app & coalition app? BS/BA MD is about 1-5% acceptance rate, it goes up to 40% via regular route?

Yes for brand name matching definitely you have to put extra effort from a state school.

Regarding saving the money in undergrad …

Depends on your child’s capability and your budget unless one gets scholarship in med school.

Are there any med schools like state school who offer merit scholarship like state undergrad schools to get good students who do not qualify for need based merit. ?

10 plus medical schools have merit now and some don’t call merit but give out some. My S got one partial scholarship so far and waiting to hear from others.

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Is it true most medical schools are giving some merit money to incoming students.? What is the range 10-15k/year mostly ?

Congratulations to all who got into Stonybrook, AMC, and Augusta.

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anywhere between 10K to full tuition.

Texas has its own medical school application service called TMDSAS. The rest of the medical schools use AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service).

My D got admission to Rice University for UG. She could qualify for TMDSAS I guess if she chooses to go there.

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If she becomes a TX resident, it would increase chances of getting into a Texas medical school. Any one can apply to Texas medical schools but only ~7% OOS matriculated to a Texas medical school, rest were Texas residents.