Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

@NoviceDad compared to previous years do you think AMC results are all out by now or does it come in batches? In other words those who are not notified yet, should we still have hope? Thanks

D also got Rice/USC/Vandy BME.

Besides BSMD, considering Columbia and JHU BME

Await few more and then decision time.


Does anyone know when George Washington results are going to be released?

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Are you looking bs/md results?


yes, BS/MD acceptances

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I think they were already released a week or two weeks ago. Few people posted on this thread.

Is there anyone who’s planning to commit to Hofstra on this thread?

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Our feeder for Upstate offered additional 2k/year award for UG years 2-4, if we commit by April 15th. That’s additional 6K savings! And that’s where DD wants go anyway. So we did commit and paid the deposit already!


SLU Med Scholars vs BU undergrad vs Colgate undergrad… any thoughts on which is best for pre-med? Leaning towards SLU.

Isnt Upstate acceptance within 14 days and all UG May 1. Obviously, if you dont join UG, Upstate will fall apart. Not sure if affects other MD process.

SBU medical is also by April 15.

Nothing- As above.

Yes, Upstate asks to commit within 2 weeks. But that’s not really commit, commit. You take back the commitment, if you have better option later. They want you to be honest when you get the offer though! Yes normal UG commit is by May 1st. We did it early as the decision is already made and too advantage of additional 6K offer.

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the decisions came out Via the undergrad application portal, GW force I think it is called?

You do need to scroll down the page and sometimes it loads a little funny so make sure you keep scrolling

My kiddo never got a phone call or email, just the notice in the portal.

I’m confused about how financial aid works. I thought Rice would give half-tuition if parents make less than 200k a year. My parents make considerably less than that but they didn’t give half-tuition, just met demonstrated need. Why is this the case?

@NoviceDad @grtd2010 any idea?

Your parents must have more than typical assets.

Your parent assets include house equity, all bank accounts, investments and portions of 529 account etc, IMO.

Someone I know (ORM) got full ride in WashU Med last year

@rk1235rk - Augusta is the cheapest. Augusta is in-state. The weather and location are the best suited. Augusta wins in these categories hands down. Also, keeping your C in-state close to you itself is an added bonus. So the battle boils down to deciding if the prestige/reputation/academics is worth the cost. Risk/Return is very unique to each student or their family.

Augusta - X
BU - X+ 350K
PSU PMM - X +200K (you can also reduce the cost with AP credit)

Augusta medical school is pretty decent. Augusta UG ranking – 298.
Augusta Medical school ranking research/primary care – 75/91
BU UG #42, BU ranking research/primary care – 33/44
PSU UG#63, SKMC ranking research/primary care – 55/59

Some questions -
Is there a clear value add in opting to pay additional 200-350 k while having your child move so far from your home town? Some families are totally ok spending on other worldly things (Tesla/diamonds/World tour) and having their kid attend a 298 ranked undergrad college with the money saved.

@rk1235rk - Finally, it boils down to your comfort level. you should have a heart to heart talk with your C to choose an affordable yet comfortable choice for her and you - a choice that she wont regret later!

Hi, Quick question - as you know I have been admitted to REMS and will commit. Will I be rescinded for getting a B in AP Chem this semester? Im very worried cause i just had a test that got me down to a B and itll be quite hard to get back up.
